WIP: Make replication mode part of cluster layout #819

yuka wants to merge 2 commits from yuka/garage:layout-replication-mode into main
No description provided.
yuka added 1 commit 2024-05-03 21:48:34 +00:00
replication mode part of cluster layout
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/pr/debug Pipeline failed
yuka added 1 commit 2024-05-03 21:50:44 +00:00
re-add replication_mode setting
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/pr/debug Pipeline failed
as backwards compatibility, even though it's not used
yuka force-pushed layout-replication-mode from e42ae64e8b to 3f03689fbd 2024-05-04 07:23:05 +00:00 Compare
yuka force-pushed layout-replication-mode from 3f03689fbd to 29b1ecba23 2024-05-04 07:32:54 +00:00 Compare
yuka force-pushed layout-replication-mode from 29b1ecba23 to 9e83696437 2024-05-04 14:09:02 +00:00 Compare
Some checks are pending
ci/woodpecker/pr/debug Pipeline failed
This pull request is marked as a work in progress.
This branch is out-of-date with the base branch


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u layout-replication-mode:yuka-layout-replication-mode
git checkout yuka-layout-replication-mode
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