remove stupid cache and use proper watch on consul kv prefix
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing Details

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2023-04-21 13:51:21 +02:00
parent d906a6ebb5
commit fb7fde4b09
6 changed files with 212 additions and 77 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
# It is not intended for manual editing.
version = 3
name = "aho-corasick"
version = "0.7.20"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "cc936419f96fa211c1b9166887b38e5e40b19958e5b895be7c1f93adec7071ac"
dependencies = [
name = "ansi_term"
version = "0.12.1"
@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -115,11 +125,12 @@ dependencies = [
name = "df-consul"
version = "0.3.3"
version = "0.3.4"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "0e38cfbab431b53dfd2d09f2a9902510c636d3d7397645bac5cf1959cfde2999"
checksum = "565fcd7efcbdc3e3420e70bc38187a8dd6d5f22759858c32e6af14329bf27ff3"
dependencies = [
@ -548,6 +559,8 @@ version = "1.7.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "e076559ef8e241f2ae3479e36f97bd5741c0330689e217ad51ce2c76808b868a"
dependencies = [

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ args@{
nixifiedLockHash = "f8fd87706eb1709f2cf3a695f4400e1a5e130e3c599cdfebc00bba51c80f494f";
nixifiedLockHash = "d1a9c3cd406d87d45242e62c6697855d0e5e3c787d92d2fcd084b41469659da1";
workspaceSrc = if args.workspaceSrc == null then ./. else args.workspaceSrc;
currentLockHash = builtins.hashFile "sha256" (workspaceSrc + /Cargo.lock);
lockHashIgnored = if ignoreLockHash
@ -47,6 +47,20 @@ in
workspace = {
d53 = rustPackages.unknown.d53."0.1.0";
"registry+".aho-corasick."0.7.20" = overridableMkRustCrate (profileName: rec {
name = "aho-corasick";
version = "0.7.20";
registry = "registry+";
src = fetchCratesIo { inherit name version; sha256 = "cc936419f96fa211c1b9166887b38e5e40b19958e5b895be7c1f93adec7071ac"; };
features = builtins.concatLists [
[ "default" ]
[ "std" ]
dependencies = {
memchr = (rustPackages."registry+".memchr."2.5.0" { inherit profileName; }).out;
"registry+".ansi_term."0.12.1" = overridableMkRustCrate (profileName: rec {
name = "ansi_term";
version = "0.12.1";
@ -188,8 +202,9 @@ in
dependencies = {
anyhow = (rustPackages."registry+".anyhow."1.0.66" { inherit profileName; }).out;
async_trait = (buildRustPackages."registry+".async-trait."0.1.59" { profileName = "__noProfile"; }).out;
df_consul = (rustPackages."registry+".df-consul."0.3.3" { inherit profileName; }).out;
df_consul = (rustPackages."registry+".df-consul."0.3.4" { inherit profileName; }).out;
futures = (rustPackages."registry+".futures."0.3.25" { inherit profileName; }).out;
regex = (rustPackages."registry+".regex."1.7.0" { inherit profileName; }).out;
reqwest = (rustPackages."registry+".reqwest."0.11.13" { inherit profileName; }).out;
serde = (rustPackages."registry+".serde."1.0.149" { inherit profileName; }).out;
serde_json = (rustPackages."registry+".serde_json."1.0.89" { inherit profileName; }).out;
@ -200,13 +215,14 @@ in
"registry+".df-consul."0.3.3" = overridableMkRustCrate (profileName: rec {
"registry+".df-consul."0.3.4" = overridableMkRustCrate (profileName: rec {
name = "df-consul";
version = "0.3.3";
version = "0.3.4";
registry = "registry+";
src = fetchCratesIo { inherit name version; sha256 = "0e38cfbab431b53dfd2d09f2a9902510c636d3d7397645bac5cf1959cfde2999"; };
src = fetchCratesIo { inherit name version; sha256 = "565fcd7efcbdc3e3420e70bc38187a8dd6d5f22759858c32e6af14329bf27ff3"; };
dependencies = {
anyhow = (rustPackages."registry+".anyhow."1.0.66" { inherit profileName; }).out;
base64 = (rustPackages."registry+".base64."0.13.1" { inherit profileName; }).out;
bytes = (rustPackages."registry+".bytes."1.3.0" { inherit profileName; }).out;
futures = (rustPackages."registry+".futures."0.3.25" { inherit profileName; }).out;
log = (rustPackages."registry+".log."0.4.17" { inherit profileName; }).out;
@ -810,9 +826,27 @@ in
registry = "registry+";
src = fetchCratesIo { inherit name version; sha256 = "e076559ef8e241f2ae3479e36f97bd5741c0330689e217ad51ce2c76808b868a"; };
features = builtins.concatLists [
[ "aho-corasick" ]
[ "default" ]
[ "memchr" ]
[ "perf" ]
[ "perf-cache" ]
[ "perf-dfa" ]
[ "perf-inline" ]
[ "perf-literal" ]
[ "std" ]
[ "unicode" ]
[ "unicode-age" ]
[ "unicode-bool" ]
[ "unicode-case" ]
[ "unicode-gencat" ]
[ "unicode-perl" ]
[ "unicode-script" ]
[ "unicode-segment" ]
dependencies = {
aho_corasick = (rustPackages."registry+".aho-corasick."0.7.20" { inherit profileName; }).out;
memchr = (rustPackages."registry+".memchr."2.5.0" { inherit profileName; }).out;
regex_syntax = (rustPackages."registry+".regex-syntax."0.6.28" { inherit profileName; }).out;

View File

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3", features = ["env-filter"] }
structopt = "0.3"
tokio = { version = "1.22", default-features = false, features = ["rt", "rt-multi-thread", "io-util", "net", "time", "macros", "sync", "signal", "fs"] }
reqwest = { version = "0.11", default-features = false, features = ["json", "rustls-tls-webpki-roots" ] }
regex = "1"
serde = { version = "1.0.107", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
df-consul = "0.3.3"
df-consul = "0.3.4"

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
//! Fetch autodiscoverd IP addresses stored by Diplonat into Consul
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
use regex::Regex;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tokio::{select, sync::watch};
use tracing::*;
use df_consul::*;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<A> {
pub timestamp: u64,
pub address: Option<A>,
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct AutodiscoveredAddresses {
pub ipv4: HashMap<String, DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<Ipv4Addr>>,
pub ipv6: HashMap<String, DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<Ipv6Addr>>,
pub fn watch_autodiscovered_ips(
consul: Consul,
mut must_exit: watch::Receiver<bool>,
) -> watch::Receiver<Arc<AutodiscoveredAddresses>> {
let (tx, rx) = watch::channel(Arc::new(AutodiscoveredAddresses::default()));
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut last_index = None;
let re = Regex::new(r".*autodiscovery/(\w+)/(\w+)$").unwrap();
while !*must_exit.borrow() {
let r = select! {
_ = must_exit.changed() => continue,
r = consul.kv_get_prefix("diplonat/autodiscovery/", last_index) => r,
let entries = match r {
Err(e) => {
warn!("Error fetching diplonat autodiscovery consul prefix: {}", e);
Ok(r) => {
last_index = Some(r.index());
let mut addresses = AutodiscoveredAddresses::default();
for (k, v) in entries {
if let Err(e) = parse_autodiscovered_address(&re, &mut addresses, &k, &v) {
"Invalid k/v pair in diplonat autodiscovery results: {} = {} ({})",
if tx.send(Arc::new(addresses)).is_err() {
info!("Autodiscovered addresses watcher terminating");
fn parse_autodiscovered_address(
re: &Regex,
addresses: &mut AutodiscoveredAddresses,
k: &str,
v: &[u8],
) -> Result<()> {
let caps = re.captures(k).ok_or(anyhow!("key does not match regex"))?;
if let (Some(family), Some(node)) = (caps.get(1), caps.get(2)) {
match family.as_str() {
"ipv4" => {
let r: DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<Ipv4Addr> = serde_json::from_slice(v)?;
addresses.ipv4.insert(node.as_str().to_string(), r);
"ipv6" => {
let r: DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<Ipv6Addr> = serde_json::from_slice(v)?;
addresses.ipv6.insert(node.as_str().to_string(), r);
_ => bail!("invalid address family {}", family.as_str()),
} else {
bail!("invalid regex captures {:?}", caps);
pub fn timestamp() -> u64 {
.expect("clock error")

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::Result;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ use tracing::*;
use df_consul::*;
use crate::autodiscovery::*;
const IP_TARGET_METADATA_TAG_PREFIX: &str = "public_";
const CNAME_TARGET_METADATA_TAG: &str = "cname_target";
@ -66,29 +68,25 @@ pub fn spawn_dns_config_task(
) -> watch::Receiver<Arc<DnsConfig>> {
let (tx, rx) = watch::channel(Arc::new(DnsConfig::new()));
let fetcher = DnsConfigFetcher {
node_ipv4_cache: HashMap::new(),
node_ipv6_cache: HashMap::new(),
let fetcher = DnsConfigTask { consul };
tokio::spawn(fetcher.task(tx, must_exit));
struct DnsConfigFetcher {
struct DnsConfigTask {
consul: Consul,
node_ipv4_cache: HashMap<String, (u64, Option<Ipv4Addr>)>,
node_ipv6_cache: HashMap<String, (u64, Option<Ipv6Addr>)>,
impl DnsConfigFetcher {
impl DnsConfigTask {
async fn task(
mut self,
tx: watch::Sender<Arc<DnsConfig>>,
mut must_exit: watch::Receiver<bool>,
) {
let mut autodiscovery_rx = watch_autodiscovered_ips(self.consul.clone(), must_exit.clone());
let mut catalog_rx = self
@ -96,11 +94,13 @@ impl DnsConfigFetcher {
while !*must_exit.borrow() {
select! {
_ = catalog_rx.changed() => (),
_ = autodiscovery_rx.changed() => (),
_ = must_exit.changed() => continue,
let services = catalog_rx.borrow_and_update().clone();
match self.parse_catalog(&services).await {
let autodiscovery = autodiscovery_rx.borrow_and_update().clone();
match self.parse_catalog(&services, &autodiscovery) {
Ok(dns_config) => tx.send(Arc::new(dns_config)).expect("Internal error"),
Err(e) => {
error!("Error when parsing tags: {}", e);
@ -109,7 +109,11 @@ impl DnsConfigFetcher {
async fn parse_catalog(&mut self, services: &catalog::AllServiceHealth) -> Result<DnsConfig> {
fn parse_catalog(
&mut self,
services: &catalog::AllServiceHealth,
autodiscovery: &AutodiscoveredAddresses,
) -> Result<DnsConfig> {
let mut dns_config = DnsConfig::new();
for (_svc, nodes) in services.iter() {
for node in nodes.iter() {
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ impl DnsConfigFetcher {
for tag in node.service.tags.iter() {
if let Some((k, v)) = self.parse_d53_tag(tag, &node.node).await? {
if let Some((k, v)) = self.parse_d53_tag(tag, &node.node, autodiscovery)? {
dns_config.add(k, v);
@ -128,10 +132,11 @@ impl DnsConfigFetcher {
async fn parse_d53_tag(
fn parse_d53_tag(
&mut self,
tag: &str,
node: &catalog::Node,
autodiscovery: &AutodiscoveredAddresses,
) -> Result<Option<(DnsEntryKey, DnsEntryValue)>> {
let splits = tag.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>();
if splits.len() != 2 {
@ -139,14 +144,14 @@ impl DnsConfigFetcher {
let (record_type, target) = match splits[0] {
"d53-a" => match self.get_node_ipv4(&node).await? {
"d53-a" => match self.get_node_ipv4(&autodiscovery, &node)? {
Some(tgt) => (DnsRecordType::A, tgt.to_string()),
None => {
warn!("Got d53-a tag `{}` but node {} does not appear to have a known public IPv4 address. Tag is ignored.", tag, node.node);
return Ok(None);
"d53-aaaa" => match self.get_node_ipv6(&node).await? {
"d53-aaaa" => match self.get_node_ipv6(&autodiscovery, &node)? {
Some(tgt) => (DnsRecordType::AAAA, tgt.to_string()),
None => {
warn!("Got d53-aaaa tag `{}` but node {} does not appear to have a known public IPv6 address. Tag is ignored.", tag, node.node);
@ -174,77 +179,48 @@ impl DnsConfigFetcher {
async fn get_node_ipv4(&mut self, node: &catalog::Node) -> Result<Option<Ipv4Addr>> {
Self::get_node_ip(&self.consul, "ipv4", &mut self.node_ipv4_cache, node).await
fn get_node_ipv4(
&mut self,
autodiscovery: &AutodiscoveredAddresses,
node: &catalog::Node,
) -> Result<Option<Ipv4Addr>> {
Self::get_node_ip("ipv4", &autodiscovery.ipv4, node)
async fn get_node_ipv6(&mut self, node: &catalog::Node) -> Result<Option<Ipv6Addr>> {
Self::get_node_ip(&self.consul, "ipv6", &mut self.node_ipv6_cache, node).await
fn get_node_ipv6(
&mut self,
autodiscovery: &AutodiscoveredAddresses,
node: &catalog::Node,
) -> Result<Option<Ipv6Addr>> {
Self::get_node_ip("ipv6", &autodiscovery.ipv6, node)
async fn get_node_ip<A>(
consul: &Consul,
family: &str,
cache: &mut HashMap<String, (u64, Option<A>)>,
fn get_node_ip<A>(
family: &'static str,
autodiscovery: &HashMap<String, DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<A>>,
node: &catalog::Node,
) -> Result<Option<A>>
A: Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + std::fmt::Debug + std::str::FromStr + Copy + Eq,
<A as std::str::FromStr>::Err: Send + Sync + std::error::Error + 'static,
match cache.get(&node.node) {
Some((t, a)) if timestamp() <= t + AUTODISCOVERY_CACHE_DURATION => Ok(*a),
_ => {
let kv_key = format!("diplonat/autodiscovery/{}/{}", family, node.node);
let autodiscovery = consul.kv_get(&kv_key).await?;
if let Some(json) = autodiscovery {
let a = serde_json::from_slice::<DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<A>>(&json)?;
if timestamp() <= a.timestamp + AUTODISCOVERY_CACHE_DURATION {
if cache.get(&node.node).map(|x| x.1) != Some(a.address) {
"Got {} address for {} from diplonat autodiscovery: {:?}",
family, node.node, a.address
cache.insert(node.node.clone(), (a.timestamp, a.address));
return Ok(a.address);
} else {
warn!("{} address for {} from diplonat autodiscovery is outdated (value: {:?}), falling back on value from Consul node meta", family, node.node, a.address);
match autodiscovery.get(&node.node) {
Some(ar) if timestamp() <= ar.timestamp + AUTODISCOVERY_CACHE_DURATION => {
x => {
if let Some(ar) = x {
warn!("{} address for {} from diplonat autodiscovery is outdated (value: {:?}), falling back on value from Consul node meta", family, node.node, ar.address);
let meta_tag = format!("{}{}", IP_TARGET_METADATA_TAG_PREFIX, family);
let a = node.meta.get(&meta_tag).map(|x| x.parse()).transpose()?;
if cache.get(&node.node).map(|x| x.1) != Some(a) {
"Got {} address for {} from Consul node meta: {:?}",
family, node.node, a
cache.insert(node.node.clone(), (timestamp(), a));
let addr = node.meta.get(&meta_tag).map(|x| x.parse()).transpose()?;
// ---- util for interaction with diplonat ----
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct DiplonatAutodiscoveryResult<A> {
pub timestamp: u64,
pub address: Option<A>,
fn timestamp() -> u64 {
.expect("clock error")
// ---- Display impls ----
impl std::fmt::Display for DnsRecordType {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use tokio::select;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tracing::*;
mod autodiscovery;
mod dns_config;
mod dns_updater;
mod provider;