replacing mail_parser by eml_codec, first iteration
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 603 additions and 675 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ backtrace = "0.3"
base64 = "0.13"
clap = { version = "3.1.18", features = ["derive", "env"] }
duplexify = "1.1.0"
#eml-codec = { path = "../eml-codec" }
eml-codec = "0.1.0"
hex = "0.4"
futures = "0.3"
im = "15"
@ -21,7 +23,6 @@ itertools = "0.10"
lazy_static = "1.4"
ldap3 = { version = "0.10", default-features = false, features = ["tls-rustls"] }
log = "0.4"
mail-parser = "0.8.2"
rusoto_core = { version = "0.48.0", default_features = false, features = ["rustls"] }
rusoto_credential = "0.48.0"
rusoto_s3 = { version = "0.48.0", default_features = false, features = ["rustls"] }
@ -52,7 +53,4 @@ smtp-server = { git = "", branch = "feature/
#k2v-client = { path = "../garage/src/k2v-client" }
#mail-parser-05 = { package = "mail-parser", version = "0.5" }
#mail-parser-main = { package = "mail-parser", git = "", branch = "main" }
#mail-parser-superboum = { package = "mail-parser", git = "", branch = "feature/no_decode" }
#mail-parser-db61a03 = { package = "mail-parser", git = "", rev = "db61a03" }
@ -18,7 +18,13 @@ use imap_codec::types::fetch_attributes::{
use imap_codec::types::flag::{Flag, StoreResponse, StoreType};
use imap_codec::types::response::{Code, Data, MessageAttribute, Status};
use imap_codec::types::sequence::{self, SequenceSet};
use mail_parser::*;
use eml_codec::{
imf::{self as imf},
part::discrete::{Text, Binary},
part::composite::{Message, Multipart},
use crate::mail::mailbox::Mailbox;
use crate::mail::uidindex::{ImapUid, ImapUidvalidity, UidIndex};
@ -32,6 +38,8 @@ const DEFAULT_FLAGS: [Flag; 5] = [
const BODY_CHECK: &str = "body attribute asked but only header is fetched, logic error";
/// A MailboxView is responsible for giving the client the information
/// it needs about a mailbox, such as an initial summary of the mailbox's
/// content and continuous updates indicating when the content
@ -283,12 +291,15 @@ impl MailboxView {
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Mail not in uidindex table: {}", uuid))?;
let parsed = match &body {
let (parts, imf) = match &body {
Some(m) => {
mail_parser::Message::parse(m).ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Invalid mail body"))?
let eml = eml_codec::parse_message(m).or(Err(anyhow!("Invalid mail body")))?.1;
(Some(eml.child), eml.imf)
None => {
let imf = eml_codec::parse_imf(&meta.headers).or(Err(anyhow!("Invalid mail headers")))?.1;
(None, imf)
None => mail_parser::Message::parse(&meta.headers)
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Invalid mail headers"))?,
for attr in fetch_attrs.iter() {
@ -308,42 +319,42 @@ impl MailboxView {
FetchAttribute::Rfc822Text => {
let rp = parsed.root_part();
let r = parsed
"Unable to extract email body, cursors out of bound. This is a bug.",
//@FIXME this is not efficient, this is a hack as we need to patch
// eml_codec to correctly implement this behavior
let txt = eml_codec::parse_imf(body.as_ref().expect(BODY_CHECK).as_slice())
.map(|(x, _)| x)
FetchAttribute::Rfc822 => attributes.push(MessageAttribute::Rfc822(NString(
FetchAttribute::Envelope => {
FetchAttribute::Body => attributes.push(MessageAttribute::Body(
build_imap_email_struct(&parsed, parsed.root_part())?,
FetchAttribute::BodyStructure => attributes.push(MessageAttribute::Body(
build_imap_email_struct(&parsed, parsed.root_part())?,
FetchAttribute::BodyExt {
} => {
// @FIXME deactivated while eml_codec is integrated
// @TODO Add missing section specifiers
match get_message_section(&parsed, section) {
/*match get_message_section(&parts.expect("body attribute asked but only header is fetched, logic error"), section) {
Ok(text) => {
let seen_flag = Flag::Seen.to_string();
if !peek && !flags.iter().any(|x| *x == seen_flag) {
@ -385,6 +396,7 @@ impl MailboxView {
FetchAttribute::InternalDate => {
let dt = Utc.fix().timestamp_opt(i64::try_from(meta.internaldate / 1000)?, 0).earliest().ok_or(anyhow!("Unable to parse internal date"))?;
@ -606,67 +618,48 @@ fn string_to_flag(f: &str) -> Option<Flag> {
//@FIXME return an error if the envelope is invalid instead of panicking
//@FIXME some fields must be defaulted if there are not set.
fn message_envelope(msg: &mail_parser::Message<'_>) -> Envelope {
let from = convert_addresses(msg.from()).unwrap_or(vec![]);
fn message_envelope(msg: &imf::Imf) -> Envelope {
Envelope {
date: NString(
.map(|d| IString::try_from(d.to_rfc3339()).unwrap()),
subject: NString(
.map(|d| IString::try_from(d.to_string()).unwrap()),
from: from.clone(),
sender: convert_addresses(msg.sender()).unwrap_or(from.clone()),
reply_to: convert_addresses(msg.reply_to()).unwrap_or(from),
to: convert_addresses(![]),
cc: convert_addresses(![]),
bcc: convert_addresses(msg.bcc()).unwrap_or(vec![]),
in_reply_to: NString(None), // @TODO
from: msg.from.iter().map(convert_mbx).collect(),
sender: msg.sender.iter().map(convert_mbx).collect(), //@FIXME put from[0] if empty
reply_to: convert_addresses(&msg.reply_to), //@FIXME put from if empty
to: convert_addresses(&,
cc: convert_addresses(&,
bcc: convert_addresses(&msg.bcc),
in_reply_to: NString(msg.in_reply_to.iter().next().map(|d| IString::try_from(d.to_string()).unwrap())),
message_id: NString(
.map(|d| IString::try_from(d.to_string()).unwrap()),
msg.msg_id.as_ref().map(|d| IString::try_from(d.to_string()).unwrap()),
fn convert_addresses(a: &mail_parser::HeaderValue<'_>) -> Option<Vec<Address>> {
match a {
mail_parser::HeaderValue::Address(a) => Some(vec![convert_address(a)]),
mail_parser::HeaderValue::AddressList(l) => {
mail_parser::HeaderValue::Empty => None,
_ => {
tracing::warn!("Invalid address header");
fn convert_addresses(addrlist: &Vec<imf::address::AddressRef>) -> Vec<Address> {
let mut acc = vec![];
for item in addrlist {
match item {
imf::address::AddressRef::Single(a) => acc.push(convert_mbx(a)),
imf::address::AddressRef::Many(l) => acc.extend(l.participants.iter().map(convert_mbx))
return acc
//@FIXME Remove unwrap
fn convert_address(a: &mail_parser::Addr<'_>) -> Address {
let (user, host) = match &a.address {
None => (None, None),
Some(x) => match x.split_once('@') {
Some((u, h)) => (Some(u.to_string()), Some(h.to_string())),
None => (Some(x.to_string()), None),
fn convert_mbx(addr: &imf::mailbox::MailboxRef) -> Address {
.map(|x| IString::try_from(x.to_string()).unwrap()),
NString(|x| IString::try_from(x.to_string()).unwrap())),
// SMTP at-domain-list (source route) seems obsolete since at least 1991
NString(|x| IString::try_from(x).unwrap())),
NString(|x| IString::try_from(x).unwrap())),
@ -685,28 +678,19 @@ b fetch 29878:29879 (BODY)
b OK Fetch completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(msg: &Message<'a>, part: &MessagePart<'a>) -> Result<BodyStructure> {
match &part.body {
PartType::Multipart(parts) => {
let subtype = IString::try_from(
.ok_or(anyhow!("Content-Type is missing but required here."))?
.ok_or(anyhow!("Content-Type invalid, missing subtype"))?
.map_err(|_| {
anyhow!("Unable to build IString from given Content-Type subtype given")
fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(part: &AnyPart<'a>) -> Result<BodyStructure> {
match part {
AnyPart::Mult(x) => {
let subtype = x.interpreted.parsed.ctype.as_ref()
.map(|x| IString::try_from(String::from_utf8_lossy(x.sub).to_string()).ok())
Ok(BodyStructure::Multi {
bodies: parts
bodies: x.children
.map(|index| build_imap_email_struct(msg, &[*index]))
.fold(Ok(vec![]), try_collect_shime)?,
.filter_map(|inner| build_imap_email_struct(&inner).ok())
extension_data: None,
/*Some(MultipartExtensionData {
@ -718,31 +702,22 @@ fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(msg: &Message<'a>, part: &MessagePart<'a>) -> Res
PartType::Text(bp) | PartType::Html(bp) => {
let (attrs, mut basic) = headers_to_basic_fields(part, bp.len())?;
AnyPart::Txt(x) => {
//@FIXME check if we must really guess a charset if none is provided, if so we must
//update this code
let basic = basic_fields(&x.interpreted.parsed)?;
// If the charset is not defined, set it to "us-ascii"
if attrs.charset.is_none() {
.push((unchecked_istring("charset"), unchecked_istring("us-ascii")));
// If the subtype is not defined, set it to "plain". MIME (RFC2045) says that subtype
// MUST be defined and hence has no default. But mail-parser does not make any
// difference between MIME and raw emails, hence raw emails have no subtypes.
let subtype = part
.and_then(|h| h.c_subtype.as_ref())
.and_then(|st| IString::try_from(st.to_string()).ok())
let subtype = x.interpreted.parsed.ctype.as_ref()
.map(|x| IString::try_from(String::from_utf8_lossy(x.sub).to_string()).ok())
let number_of_lines = msg
.map(|text| text.iter().filter(|x| **x == b'\n').count())
let number_of_lines = x.body.iter()
.filter(|x| **x == b'\n')
Ok(BodyStructure::Single {
body: FetchBody {
@ -755,26 +730,19 @@ fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(msg: &Message<'a>, part: &MessagePart<'a>) -> Res
extension: None,
PartType::Binary(bp) | PartType::InlineBinary(bp) => {
let (_, basic) = headers_to_basic_fields(part, bp.len())?;
AnyPart::Bin(x) => {
//let (_, basic) = headers_to_basic_fields(part, bp.len())?;
let basic = basic_fields(&x.interpreted.parsed)?;
let default = mime::r#type::NaiveType { main: &[], sub: &[], params: vec![] };
let ct = x.interpreted.parsed.ctype.as_ref().unwrap_or(&default);
let ct = part
.ok_or(anyhow!("Content-Type is missing but required here."))?;
let type_ = IString::try_from(String::from_utf8_lossy(ct.main).to_string())
.or(Err(anyhow!("Unable to build IString from given Content-Type type given")))?;
let type_ = IString::try_from(ct.c_type.as_ref().to_string()).map_err(|_| {
anyhow!("Unable to build IString from given Content-Type type given")
let subtype = IString::try_from(
.ok_or(anyhow!("Content-Type invalid, missing subtype"))?
.map_err(|_| {
anyhow!("Unable to build IString from given Content-Type subtype given")
let subtype = IString::try_from(String::from_utf8_lossy(ct.sub).to_string())
.or(Err(anyhow!("Unable to build IString from given Content-Type subtype given")))?;
Ok(BodyStructure::Single {
body: FetchBody {
@ -784,31 +752,22 @@ fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(msg: &Message<'a>, part: &MessagePart<'a>) -> Res
extension: None,
PartType::Message(inner) => {
let (_, basic) = headers_to_basic_fields(part, inner.raw_message().len())?;
AnyPart::Msg(x) => {
let basic = basic_fields(&x.interpreted.parsed)?;
// We do not count the number of lines but the number of line
// feeds to have the same behavior as Dovecot and Cyrus.
// 2 lines = 1 line feed.
let nol = inner.raw_message().iter().filter(|&c| c == &b'\n').count();
//let nol = inner.raw_message().iter().filter(|&c| c == &b'\n').count();
let nol = 0; // @FIXME broken for now
Ok(BodyStructure::Single {
body: FetchBody {
specific: SpecificFields::Message {
envelope: message_envelope(inner),
body_structure: Box::new(build_imap_email_struct(
// @FIXME This solution is bad for 2 reasons:
// - RFC2045 says line endings are CRLF but we accept LF alone with
// this method. It could be a feature (be liberal in what you
// accept) but we must be sure that we don't break things.
// - It should be done during parsing, we are iterating twice on
// the same data which results in some wastes.
number_of_lines: u32::try_from(nol)?,
envelope: message_envelope(&x.imf),
body_structure: Box::new(build_imap_email_struct(x.child.as_ref())?),
number_of_lines: u32::try_from(nol)?,
extension: None,
@ -817,103 +776,45 @@ fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(msg: &Message<'a>, part: &MessagePart<'a>) -> Res
fn try_collect_shime<T>(acc: Result<Vec<T>>, elem: Result<T>) -> Result<Vec<T>> {
match (acc, elem) {
(Err(e), _) | (_, Err(e)) => Err(e),
(Ok(mut ac), Ok(el)) => {
/// s is set to static to ensure that only compile time values
/// checked by developpers are passed.
fn unchecked_istring(s: &'static str) -> IString {
IString::try_from(s).expect("this value is expected to be a valid imap-codec::IString")
struct SpecialAttrs<'a> {
charset: Option<&'a Cow<'a, str>>,
boundary: Option<&'a Cow<'a, str>>,
fn basic_fields(m: &mime::NaiveMIME) -> Result<BasicFields> {
let parameter_list = m.ctype
.map(|x| x.params.iter()
.map(|p| (IString::try_from(String::from_utf8_lossy(, IString::try_from(p.value.to_string())))
.filter(|(k, v)| k.is_ok() && v.is_ok())
.map(|(k, v)| (k.unwrap(), v.unwrap()))
/// Takes mail-parser Content-Type attributes, build imap-codec BasicFields.parameter_list and
/// identify some specific attributes (charset and boundary).
fn attrs_to_params<'a>(bp: &impl MimeHeaders<'a>) -> (SpecialAttrs, Vec<(IString, IString)>) {
// Try to extract Content-Type attributes from headers
let attrs = match bp
.and_then(|c| c.attributes.as_ref())
Some(v) => v,
_ => return (SpecialAttrs::default(), vec![]),
// Transform the Content-Type attributes into IMAP's parameter list
// Also collect some special attributes that might be used elsewhere
(SpecialAttrs::default(), vec![]),
|(mut sa, mut param_list), (k, v)| {
let nk = k.to_lowercase();
match (IString::try_from(k.as_ref()), IString::try_from(v.as_ref())) {
(Ok(ik), Ok(iv)) => param_list.push((ik, iv)),
_ => return (sa, param_list),
match nk.as_str() {
"charset" => {
sa.charset = Some(v);
"boundary" => {
sa.boundary = Some(v);
_ => (),
(sa, param_list)
/// Takes mail-parser headers and build imap-codec BasicFields
/// Return some special informations too
fn headers_to_basic_fields<'a>(
bp: &'a MessagePart<'a>,
size: usize,
) -> Result<(SpecialAttrs<'a>, BasicFields)> {
let (attrs, parameter_list) = attrs_to_params(bp);
let bf = BasicFields {
Ok(BasicFields {
id: NString(
.and_then(|ci| IString::try_from(ci.to_string()).ok()),
description: NString(
.and_then(|cd| IString::try_from(cd.to_string()).ok()),
* RFC2045 - section 6.1
* "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT" is assumed if the
* Content-Transfer-Encoding header field is not present.
content_transfer_encoding: bp
.and_then(|h| IString::try_from(h.to_string()).ok())
size: u32::try_from(size)?,
Ok((attrs, bf))
content_transfer_encoding: match m.transfer_encoding {
mime::mechanism::Mechanism::_8Bit => unchecked_istring("8bit"),
mime::mechanism::Mechanism::Binary => unchecked_istring("binary"),
mime::mechanism::Mechanism::QuotedPrintable => unchecked_istring("quoted-printable"),
mime::mechanism::Mechanism::Base64 => unchecked_istring("base64"),
_ => unchecked_istring("7bit"),
// @FIXME we can't compute the size of the message currently...
size: u32::try_from(0)?,
fn get_message_section<'a>(
parsed: &'a Message<'a>,
section: &Option<FetchSection>,
@ -993,10 +894,10 @@ fn get_message_section<'a>(
Some(FetchSection::Part(part)) => map_subpart(parsed, part.0.as_slice(), |_msg, part| {
let bytes = match &part.body {
PartType::Text(p) | PartType::Html(p) => p.as_bytes().to_vec(),
PartType::Binary(p) | PartType::InlineBinary(p) => p.to_vec(),
PartType::Message(p) => p.raw_message.to_vec(),
PartType::Multipart(_) => bail!("Multipart part has no body"),
AnyPart::Txt(p) => p.as_bytes().to_vec(),
AnyPart::Bin(p) => p.to_vec(),
AnyPart::Msg(p) => p.raw_message.to_vec(),
AnyPart::Multipart(_) => bail!("Multipart part has no body"),
@ -1052,7 +953,7 @@ where
bail!("Subpart is not a message: {}", path[0]);
mod tests {
@ -1084,7 +985,7 @@ mod tests {
// "tests/emails/rfc/000",
// "tests/emails/rfc/001", // broken
// "tests/emails/rfc/002", // broken: dovecot adds \r when it is missing and count is as
// "tests/emails/rfc/002", // broken: dovecot adds \r when it is missing and count it as
// a character. Difference on how lines are counted too.
/*"tests/emails/rfc/003", // broken for the same reason
@ -1097,7 +998,7 @@ mod tests {
println!("{}", pref);
let txt = fs::read(format!("{}.eml", pref))?;
let exp = fs::read(format!("{}.dovecot.body", pref))?;
let message = Message::parse(&txt).unwrap();
let message = eml_codec::email(&txt).unwrap();
let mut resp = Vec::new();
MessageAttribute::Body(build_imap_email_struct(&message, message.root_part())?)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use k2v_client::{
BatchInsertOp, BatchReadOp, CausalValue, CausalityToken, Filter, K2vClient, K2vValue,
BatchInsertOp, BatchReadOp, CausalValue, CausalityToken, Filter, K2vClient, K2vValue, K2vClientConfig
use rand::prelude::*;
use rusoto_core::HttpClient;
@ -120,19 +120,16 @@ impl Credentials {
impl StorageCredentials {
pub fn k2v_client(&self) -> Result<K2vClient> {
let aws_creds = AwsCredentials::new(
let config = K2vClientConfig {
endpoint: self.k2v_region.endpoint.clone(),
aws_access_key_id: self.aws_access_key_id.clone(),
aws_secret_access_key: self.aws_secret_access_key.clone(),
bucket: self.bucket.clone(),
user_agent: None,
pub fn s3_client(&self) -> Result<S3Client> {
@ -315,10 +315,10 @@ impl MailboxInternal {
async {
// Save mail meta
let mail_root = mail.parsed.root_part();
let mail_root = mail.parsed.imf;
let meta = MailMeta {
internaldate: now_msec(),
headers: mail.raw[..mail_root.offset_body].to_vec(),
headers: vec![],
message_key: message_key.clone(),
rfc822_size: mail.raw.len(),
@ -368,10 +368,10 @@ impl MailboxInternal {
async {
// Save mail meta
let mail_root = mail.parsed.root_part();
let mail_root = mail.parsed.imf;
let meta = MailMeta {
internaldate: now_msec(),
headers: mail.raw[..mail_root.offset_body].to_vec(),
headers: vec![], //@FIXME we need to put the headers part
message_key: message_key.clone(),
rfc822_size: mail.raw.len(),
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub mod user;
pub struct IMF<'a> {
raw: &'a [u8],
parsed: mail_parser::Message<'a>,
parsed: eml_codec::part::composite::Message<'a>,
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a [u8]> for IMF<'a> {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a [u8]> for IMF<'a> {
eprintln!("---- BEGIN PARSED MESSAGE ----");
let _ = std::io::stderr().write_all(body);
eprintln!("---- END PARSED MESSAGE ----");
let parsed = mail_parser::Message::parse(body).ok_or(())?;
let parsed = eml_codec::parse_message(body).or(Err(()))?.1;
Ok(Self { raw: body, parsed })
Add table
Reference in a new issue