Add support for MIME types

This commit is contained in:
Quentin 2022-07-05 17:48:10 +02:00
parent cc86653ed8
commit 2f51128467
Signed by: quentin
GPG Key ID: E9602264D639FF68
1 changed files with 58 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -561,12 +561,29 @@ fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(
MessagePart::Message(_) => todo!(),
MessageStructure::List(l) => todo!(),
/*BodyStructure::Multi {
bodies:|inner_node| build_email_struct(msg, inner_node)),
subtype: "",
extension_data: None,
MessageStructure::List(lp) => {
let subtype = IString::try_from(
.ok_or(anyhow!("Content-Type is missing but required here."))?
.ok_or(anyhow!("Content-Type invalid, missing subtype"))?
.map_err(|_| {
anyhow!("Unable to build IString from given Content-Type subtype given")
// @NOTE we should use try_collect() but it is unstable as of 2022-07-05
Ok(BodyStructure::Multi {
bodies: lp
.map(|inner_node| build_imap_email_struct(msg, inner_node))
.fold(Ok(vec![]), try_collect_shime)?,
extension_data: None,
MessageStructure::MultiPart((id, l)) => {
/*let part =;
@ -592,6 +609,16 @@ fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(
fn try_collect_shime<T>(acc: Result<Vec<T>>, elem: Result<T>) -> Result<Vec<T>> {
match (acc, elem) {
(Err(e), _) | (_, Err(e)) => Err(e),
(Ok(mut ac), Ok(el)) => {
/// s is set to static to ensure that only compile time values
/// checked by developpers are passed.
fn unchecked_istring(s: &'static str) -> IString {
@ -608,12 +635,15 @@ struct SpecialAttrs<'a> {
/// identify some specific attributes (charset and boundary).
fn attrs_to_params<'a>(bp: &impl MimeHeaders<'a>) -> (SpecialAttrs, Vec<(IString, IString)>) {
// Try to extract Content-Type attributes from headers
let attrs = match bp.get_content_type().map(|c| c.attributes.as_ref()).flatten() {
let attrs = match bp
.map(|c| c.attributes.as_ref())
Some(v) => v,
_ => return (SpecialAttrs::default(), vec![])
_ => return (SpecialAttrs::default(), vec![]),
// Transform the Content-Type attributes into IMAP's parameter list
// Also collect some special attributes that might be used elsewhere
@ -691,21 +721,29 @@ mod tests {
/// Keep in mind that special cases must still be tested manually!
fn fetch_body() -> Result<()> {
let txt = fs::read("tests/emails/dxflrs/0001_simple.eml")?;
let exp = fs::read("tests/emails/dxflrs/0001_simple.body")?;
let message = Message::parse(&txt).unwrap();
let prefixes = [
let mut resp = Vec::new();
MessageAttribute::Body(build_imap_email_struct(&message, &message.structure)?)
.encode(&mut resp);
for pref in prefixes.iter() {
println!("{}", pref);
let txt = fs::read(format!("{}.eml", pref))?;
let exp = fs::read(format!("{}.body", pref))?;
let message = Message::parse(&txt).unwrap();
let resp_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&resp).to_lowercase();
let mut resp = Vec::new();
MessageAttribute::Body(build_imap_email_struct(&message, &message.structure)?)
.encode(&mut resp);
let exp_no_parenthesis = &exp[1..exp.len() - 1];
let exp_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(exp_no_parenthesis).to_lowercase();
let resp_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&resp).to_lowercase();
println!("mine: {}\nexpected: {}", resp_str, exp_str);
assert_eq!(resp_str, exp_str);
let exp_no_parenthesis = &exp[1..exp.len() - 1];
let exp_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(exp_no_parenthesis).to_lowercase();
println!("aerogramme: {}\ndovecot: {}", resp_str, exp_str);
assert_eq!(resp_str, exp_str);