Fix uidindex tests + body structure for text msg

This commit is contained in:
Quentin 2022-07-04 12:07:48 +02:00
parent 05eb2e050b
commit 9b4fcf58df
Signed by: quentin
GPG Key ID: E9602264D639FF68
2 changed files with 213 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -4,16 +4,18 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Error, Result};
use boitalettres::proto::res::body::Data as Body;
use chrono::{Offset, Utc, TimeZone};
use chrono::{Offset, TimeZone, Utc};
use futures::stream::{FuturesOrdered, StreamExt};
use imap_codec::types::address::Address;
use imap_codec::types::datetime::MyDateTime;
use imap_codec::types::body::{BasicFields, Body as FetchBody, BodyStructure, SpecificFields};
use imap_codec::types::core::{Atom, IString, NString, NonZeroBytes};
use imap_codec::types::datetime::MyDateTime;
use imap_codec::types::envelope::Envelope;
use imap_codec::types::fetch_attributes::{FetchAttribute, MacroOrFetchAttributes};
use imap_codec::types::flag::Flag;
use imap_codec::types::response::{Code, Data, MessageAttribute, Status};
use imap_codec::types::sequence::{self, SequenceSet};
use mail_parser::*;
use crate::mail::mailbox::Mailbox;
use crate::mail::uidindex::UidIndex;
@ -277,22 +279,106 @@ impl MailboxView {
FetchAttribute::Body => {
b fetch 29878:29879 (BODY)
* 29878 FETCH (BODY (("text" "plain" ("charset" "utf-8") NIL NIL "quoted-printable" 3264 82)("text" "html" ("charset" "utf-8") NIL NIL "quoted-printable" 31834 643) "alternative"))
* 29879 FETCH (BODY ("text" "html" ("charset" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7bit" 4107 131))
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^
| | | | | | number of lines
| | | | | size
| | | | content transfer encoding
| | | description
| | id
| parameter list
b OK Fetch completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
/*match parsed.structure {
Part(part_id) => {
match {
let fb = FetchBody {
parameter_list: vec![],
id: NString(None),
descritpion: NString(None),
// Default value is 7bit"
content_transfer_encoding: IString::try_from("7bit").unwrap(),
List(part_list) => todo!(),
MultiPart((first, rest)) => todo!(),
// @TODO This is a stub
let is = IString::try_from("test").unwrap();
let b = BodyStructure::Single {
body: FetchBody {
basic: BasicFields {
parameter_list: vec![],
id: NString(Some(is.clone())),
description: NString(Some(is.clone())),
content_transfer_encoding: is.clone(),
size: 1,
specific: SpecificFields::Text {
// @FIXME I do not understand yet how this part works
subtype: is,
number_of_lines: 1,
// Always None for Body, can be populated for BodyStructure
extension: None,
FetchAttribute::BodyExt {
} => {
// @TODO This is a stub
let is = IString::try_from("test").unwrap();
attributes.push(MessageAttribute::BodyExt {
section: None,
origin: None,
data: NString(Some(is)),
FetchAttribute::BodyStructure => {
// @TODO This is a stub
let is = IString::try_from("test").unwrap();
let b = BodyStructure::Single {
body: FetchBody {
basic: BasicFields {
parameter_list: vec![],
id: NString(Some(is.clone())),
description: NString(Some(is.clone())),
content_transfer_encoding: is.clone(),
size: 1,
specific: SpecificFields::Text {
// @FIXME I do not understand yet how this part works
subtype: is,
number_of_lines: 1,
// Always None for Body, can be populated for BodyStructure
extension: None,
FetchAttribute::InternalDate => {
MyDateTime(Utc.fix().timestamp(i64::try_from(meta.internaldate / 1000)?, 0))
.timestamp(i64::try_from(meta.internaldate / 1000)?, 0),
@ -477,3 +563,114 @@ fn convert_address(a: &mail_parser::Addr<'_>) -> Address {
NString(|x| IString::try_from(x).unwrap())),
fn build_imap_email_struct<'a>(
msg: &Message<'a>,
node: &MessageStructure,
) -> Result<BodyStructure> {
match node {
MessageStructure::Part(id) => {
let part =*id).ok_or(anyhow!(
"Email part referenced in email structure is missing"
match part {
MessagePart::Text(bp) => Ok(BodyStructure::Single {
body: FetchBody {
basic: BasicFields {
parameter_list: vec![], //@TODO
id: match bp.headers_rfc.get(&RfcHeader::ContentId) {
Some(HeaderValue::Text(v)) => {
_ => NString(None),
description: NString(None), //@TODO
content_transfer_encoding: match bp
Some(HeaderValue::Text(v)) => {
_ => unchecked_istring("7bit"),
size: u32::try_from(bp.len())?,
specific: SpecificFields::Text {
subtype: match bp.headers_rfc.get(&RfcHeader::ContentType) {
Some(HeaderValue::ContentType(ContentType {
c_subtype: Some(st),
})) => IString::try_from(st.clone().into_owned())
_ => unchecked_istring("plain"),
number_of_lines: u32::try_from(bp.get_text_contents().lines().count())?,
extension: None,
MessagePart::Multipart(_) => {
unreachable!("A multipart entry can not be found here.")
_ => todo!(),
MessageStructure::List(l) => todo!(),
/*BodyStructure::Multi {
bodies:|inner_node| build_email_struct(msg, inner_node)),
subtype: "",
extension_data: None,
MessageStructure::MultiPart((id, l)) => {
/*let part =;
let mp = match part {
MessagePart::Multipart(mp) => mp,
_ => unreachable!("Only a MessagePart part entry is allowed here.");
BodyStructure::Multi {
bodies:|inner_node| build_email_struct(msg, inner_node)),
subtype: "",
extension_data: Some(MultipartExtensionData {
parameter_list: vec![],
disposition: None,
language: None,
location: None,
extension: vec![],
/// s is set to static to ensure that only compile time values
/// checked by the developpers are passed.
fn unchecked_istring(s: &'static str) -> IString {
IString::try_from(s).expect("this value is expected to be a valid imap-codec::IString")
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn rfc_to_imap() -> Result<()> {
let txt = br#"From: Garage team <>
Subject: Welcome to Aerogramme!!
This is just a test email, feel free to ignore.
let message = Message::parse(txt).unwrap();
let bs = build_imap_email_struct(&message, &message.structure)?;
print!("{:?}", bs);

View File

@ -279,15 +279,15 @@ mod tests {
// Early checks
assert_eq!(state.table.len(), 1);
let (uid, flags) = state.table.get(&m).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*uid, 1);
assert_eq!(*uid, NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap());
assert_eq!(flags.len(), 2);
let ident = state.idx_by_uid.get(&1).unwrap();
let ident = state.idx_by_uid.get(&NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&m, ident);
let recent = state.idx_by_flag.0.get("\\Recent").unwrap();
assert_eq!(recent.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(recent.iter().next().unwrap(), &1);
assert_eq!(state.uidnext, 2);
assert_eq!(state.uidvalidity, 1);
assert_eq!(recent.iter().next().unwrap(), &NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap());
assert_eq!(state.uidnext, NonZeroU32::new(2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(state.uidvalidity, NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap());
// Add message 2
@ -334,14 +334,14 @@ mod tests {
let m = UniqueIdent([0x03; 24]);
let f = vec!["\\Archive".to_string(), "\\Recent".to_string()];
let ev = UidIndexOp::MailAdd(m, 1, f);
let ev = UidIndexOp::MailAdd(m, NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap(), f);
state = state.apply(&ev);
// Checks
assert_eq!(state.table.len(), 2);
assert!(state.uidvalidity > 1);
assert!(state.uidvalidity > NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap());
let (last_uid, ident) = state.idx_by_uid.get_max().unwrap();
assert_eq!(ident, &UniqueIdent([0x03; 24]));
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ mod tests {
let archive = state.idx_by_flag.0.get("\\Archive").unwrap();
assert_eq!(archive.len(), 2);
let mut iter = archive.iter();
assert_eq!(, &1);
assert_eq!(, &NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap());
assert_eq!(, last_uid);