in-memory storage #32

quentin merged 65 commits from in-memory into main 2023-12-27 16:35:43 +00:00
5 changed files with 62 additions and 108 deletions
Showing only changes of commit a7c9d554f6 - Show all commits

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
pub mod ldap_provider;
pub mod static_provider;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::try_join;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use async_trait::async_trait;
@ -122,13 +122,14 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
let password_blob = [&kdf_salt[..], &password_sealed].concat();
// Write values to storage
k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "salt", salt_ct, ident_salt),
k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "public", public_ct, keys.public),
k2v_insert_single_key("keys", &password_sortkey, None, &password_blob),
.context("InsertBatch for salt, public, and password")?;
// @FIXME Implement insert batch in the storage API
let (salt, public, passwd) = (
k2v.row("keys", &password_sortkey).set_value(&password_blob)
try_join!(salt.push(), public.push(), passwd.push())
.context("InsertBatch for salt, public, and password")?;
@ -155,12 +156,13 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
// Write values to storage
k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "salt", salt_ct, ident_salt),
k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "public", public_ct, keys.public),
.context("InsertBatch for salt and public")?;
// @FIXME implement insert batch in the storage API
let (salt, public) = (
try_join!(salt.push(), public.push()).context("InsertBatch for salt and public")?;
@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
user_secrets: &UserSecrets,
password: &str,
) -> Result<Self> {
let k2v = storage.k2v_client()?;
let k2v = storage.row_store()?;
let (ident_salt, expected_public) = Self::load_salt_and_public(&k2v).await?;
// Generate short password digest (= password identity)
@ -178,20 +180,21 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
// Lookup password blob
let password_sortkey = format!("password:{}", hex::encode(&ident));
let password_ref = k2v.row("keys", &password_sortkey);
let password_blob = {
let mut val = match k2v.read_item("keys", &password_sortkey).await {
Err(k2v_client::Error::NotFound) => {
let val = match password_ref.fetch().await {
Err(StorageError::NotFound) => {
bail!("invalid password")
x => x?,
if val.value.len() != 1 {
if val.content().len() != 1 {
bail!("multiple values for password in storage");
match val.value.pop().unwrap() {
K2vValue::Value(v) => v,
K2vValue::Tombstone => bail!("invalid password"),
match val.content().pop().unwrap() {
Alternative::Value(v) => v,
Alternative::Tombstone => bail!("invalid password"),
@ -258,26 +261,24 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
let password_blob = [&kdf_salt[..], &password_sealed].concat();
// List existing passwords to overwrite existing entry if necessary
let ct = match k2v.read_item("keys", &password_sortkey).await {
Err(k2v_client::Error::NotFound) => None,
let pass_key = k2v.row("keys", &password_sortkey);
let passwd = match pass_key.fetch().await {
Err(StorageError::NotFound) => pass_key,
v => {
let entry = v?;
if entry.value.iter().any(|x| matches!(x, K2vValue::Value(_))) {
if entry.content().iter().any(|x| matches!(x, Alternative::Value(_))) {
bail!("password already exists");
// Write values to storage
.context("InsertBatch for new password")?;
.context("InsertBatch for new password")?;
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
password: &str,
allow_delete_all: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let k2v = storage.row_client()?;
let k2v = storage.row_store()?;
let (ident_salt, _public) = Self::load_salt_and_public(&k2v).await?;
// Generate short password digest (= password identity)
@ -299,22 +300,23 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
// Check password is there
let pw = existing_passwords
.map(|x| x.to_ref())
.find(|x| x.key().1 == &password_sortkey)
.ok_or(anyhow!("password does not exist"))?;
if !allow_delete_all && existing_passwords.len() < 2 {
bail!("No other password exists, not deleting last password.");
k2v.delete_item("keys", &password_sortkey, pw.causality.clone())
.context("DeleteItem for password")?;
pw.rm().await.context("DeleteItem for password")?;
// ---- STORAGE UTIL ----
async fn check_uninitialized(
k2v: &RowStore,
) -> Result<(RowRef, RowRef)> {
@ -346,32 +348,29 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
Ok((salt_ct, public_ct))
pub async fn load_salt_and_public(k2v: &K2vClient) -> Result<([u8; 32], PublicKey)> {
let mut params = k2v
k2v_read_single_key("keys", "salt", false),
k2v_read_single_key("keys", "public", false),
pub async fn load_salt_and_public(k2v: &RowStore) -> Result<([u8; 32], PublicKey)> {
let params = k2v
("keys", "salt"),
("keys", "public"),
.context("ReadBatch for salt and public in load_salt_and_public")?;
if params.len() != 2 {
"Invalid response from k2v storage: {:?} (expected two items)",
if params[0].items.len() != 1 || params[1].items.len() != 1 {
if params[0].content().len() != 1 || params[1].content().len() != 1 {
bail!("cryptographic keys not initialized for user");
// Retrieve salt from given response
let salt_vals = &mut params[0].items.iter_mut().next().unwrap().1.value;
if salt_vals.len() != 1 {
bail!("Multiple values for `salt`");
let salt: Vec<u8> = match &mut salt_vals[0] {
K2vValue::Value(v) => std::mem::take(v),
K2vValue::Tombstone => bail!("salt is a tombstone"),
let salt: Vec<u8> = match &mut params[0].content().iter_mut().next().unwrap() {
Alternative::Value(v) => std::mem::take(v),
Alternative::Tombstone => bail!("salt is a tombstone"),
if salt.len() != 32 {
bail!("`salt` is not 32 bytes long");
@ -380,40 +379,21 @@ impl CryptoKeys {
// Retrieve public from given response
let public_vals = &mut params[1].items.iter_mut().next().unwrap().1.value;
if public_vals.len() != 1 {
bail!("Multiple values for `public`");
let public: Vec<u8> = match &mut public_vals[0] {
K2vValue::Value(v) => std::mem::take(v),
K2vValue::Tombstone => bail!("public is a tombstone"),
let public: Vec<u8> = match &mut params[1].content().iter_mut().next().unwrap() {
Alternative::Value(v) => std::mem::take(v),
Alternative::Tombstone => bail!("public is a tombstone"),
let public = PublicKey::from_slice(&public).ok_or(anyhow!("Invalid public key length"))?;
Ok((salt_constlen, public))
async fn list_existing_passwords(k2v: &K2vClient) -> Result<BTreeMap<String, CausalValue>> {
let mut res = k2v
.read_batch(&[BatchReadOp {
partition_key: "keys",
filter: Filter {
start: None,
end: None,
prefix: Some("password:"),
limit: None,
reverse: false,
conflicts_only: false,
tombstones: false,
single_item: false,
async fn list_existing_passwords(k2v: &RowStore) -> Result<Vec<RowValue>> {
let res = { shard_key: "keys", prefix: "password:" })
.context("ReadBatch for prefix password: in list_existing_passwords")?;
if res.len() != 1 {
bail!("unexpected k2v result: {:?}, expected one item", res);
fn serialize(&self) -> [u8; 64] {

View file

@ -51,31 +51,12 @@ impl LoginProvider for StaticLoginProvider {
bail!("Wrong password");
tracing::debug!(user=%username, "fetch bucket");
let bucket = user
.or_else(|| self.default_bucket.clone())
"No bucket configured and no default bucket specified"
tracing::debug!(user=%username, "fetch keys");
let storage: storage::Builders = match {
StaticStorage::InMemory => Box::new(storage::in_memory::FullMem {}),
StaticStorage::Garage(c) => Box::new(storage::garage::GrgCreds {}),
StorageCredentials {
k2v_region: self.k2v_region.clone(),
s3_region: self.s3_region.clone(),
aws_access_key_id: user.aws_access_key_id.clone(),
aws_secret_access_key: user.aws_secret_access_key.clone(),
let keys = match (&user.master_key, &user.secret_key) {
(Some(m), Some(s)) => {
let master_key =

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ impl IRowRef for GrgRef {
fn set_value(&self, content: Vec<u8>) -> RowValue {
fn set_value(&self, content: &[u8]) -> RowValue {
fn fetch(&self) -> AsyncResult<RowValue> {

View file

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ impl IRowRef for MemRef {
fn set_value(&self, content: Vec<u8>) -> RowValue {
fn set_value(&self, content: &[u8]) -> RowValue {
fn fetch(&self) -> AsyncResult<RowValue> {

View file

@ -95,21 +95,14 @@ pub type RowStore = Box<dyn IRowStore + Sync + Send>;
pub trait IRowRef: std::fmt::Debug
/*fn clone_boxed(&self) -> RowRef;*/
fn to_orphan(&self) -> OrphanRowRef;
fn key(&self) -> (&str, &str);
fn set_value(&self, content: Vec<u8>) -> RowValue;
fn set_value(&self, content: &[u8]) -> RowValue;
fn fetch(&self) -> AsyncResult<RowValue>;
fn rm(&self) -> AsyncResult<()>;
fn poll(&self) -> AsyncResult<RowValue>;
pub type RowRef = Box<dyn IRowRef + Send + Sync>;
/*impl Clone for RowRef {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
return self.clone_boxed()
pub trait IRowValue: std::fmt::Debug