Environment parsing done with Serde Envy #5

quentin merged 3 commits from adrien/diplonat:feature/config-handling into main 2021-08-19 06:32:55 +00:00

3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
LUXEY Adrien 0f114f2134 a last pass to remove warnings from my code 2021-08-16 11:34:42 +02:00
LUXEY Adrien 644e707956 environment.rs successfully replaced with new config/ configuration loader. No API changes, more tests, cleaner code: life is swell. 2021-08-16 11:19:16 +02:00
LUXEY Adrien ae9550ce23 New configuration parsing using envy. Added minimal functionnality for
the future ACME parameters. Tests written and passing.

WIP: added envy dependncy and ConfigOpts structs that will constitute Diplonat's configuration

WIP: ConfigOpts from_env() and validate() methods written. No API change (the env names remain unchanged)! Now need to use our new ConfigOpts struct instead of Environment, and update references to the environment variables in the code.

WIP: RuntimeConfig with business logic done. Tests written, but they are all running from the same process - setting environment variables in each test produces incoherent results. Another solution for testing is needed.

WIP: tests are fully written using 'from_iter' and all passing
2021-08-16 10:26:06 +02:00