cargo2nix unstable (patched), rust 1.63.0, nixpkgs 22.05 (32-bit builds are broken)
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build encountered an error Details
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing Details

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2022-10-13 14:35:39 +02:00
parent a096ced355
commit 8d04ae7014
Signed by: lx
GPG Key ID: 0E496D15096376BE
8 changed files with 1289 additions and 2533 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
"tokio-util 0.6.9",
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
"rand 0.8.5",
@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
"rand 0.8.5",
@ -2382,11 +2382,11 @@ dependencies = [
name = "pin-project"
version = "1.0.10"
version = "1.0.12"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "58ad3879ad3baf4e44784bc6a718a8698867bb991f8ce24d1bcbe2cfb4c3a75e"
checksum = "ad29a609b6bcd67fee905812e544992d216af9d755757c05ed2d0e15a74c6ecc"
dependencies = [
"pin-project-internal 1.0.10",
"pin-project-internal 1.0.12",
@ -2402,9 +2402,9 @@ dependencies = [
name = "pin-project-internal"
version = "1.0.10"
version = "1.0.12"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "744b6f092ba29c3650faf274db506afd39944f48420f6c86b17cfe0ee1cb36bb"
checksum = "069bdb1e05adc7a8990dce9cc75370895fbe4e3d58b9b73bf1aee56359344a55"
dependencies = [
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
@ -3649,7 +3649,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
"rand 0.8.5",
@ -3672,7 +3672,7 @@ dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",
@ -3730,7 +3730,7 @@ version = "0.2.5"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "97d095ae15e245a057c8e8451bab9b3ee1e1f68e9ba2b4fbc18d0ac5237835f2"
dependencies = [
"pin-project 1.0.10",
"pin-project 1.0.12",


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -5,13 +5,26 @@
with import ./nix/common.nix;
pkgs = import pkgsSrc { };
compile = import ./nix/compile.nix;
build_debug_and_release = (target: {
debug = (compile { inherit target git_version; release = false; }).workspace.garage { compileMode = "build"; };
release = (compile { inherit target git_version; release = true; }).workspace.garage { compileMode = "build"; };
debug = (compile {
inherit target git_version;
release = false;
}).workspace.garage {
compileMode = "build";
release = (compile {
inherit target git_version;
release = true;
}).workspace.garage {
compileMode = "build";
test = (rustPkgs: pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name ="garage-tests";
paths = (key: rustPkgs.workspace.${key} { compileMode = "test"; }) (builtins.attrNames rustPkgs.workspace);
@ -25,9 +38,23 @@ in {
arm = build_debug_and_release "armv6l-unknown-linux-musleabihf";
test = {
amd64 = test (compile { inherit git_version; target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"; });
amd64 = test (compile {
inherit git_version;
target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl";
features = [
clippy = {
amd64 = (compile { inherit git_version; compiler = "clippy"; }).workspace.garage { compileMode = "build"; } ;
amd64 = (compile {
inherit git_version;
target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl";
compiler = "clippy";
}).workspace.garage {} ;

View File

@ -4,19 +4,27 @@ rec {
pkgsSrc = fetchTarball {
# As of 2021-10-04
url = "";
sha256 = "1xy9zpypqfxs5gcq5dcla4bfkhxmh5nzn9dyqkr03lqycm9wg5cr";
#url = "";
#sha256 = "1xy9zpypqfxs5gcq5dcla4bfkhxmh5nzn9dyqkr03lqycm9wg5cr";
# NixOS 22.05
url = "";
sha256 = "0d643wp3l77hv2pmg2fi7vyxn4rwy0iyr8djcw1h5x72315ck9ik";
# As of 2022-10-13
#url = "";
#sha256 = "1bz632psfbpmicyzjb8b4265y50shylccvfm6ry6mgnv5hvz324s";
cargo2nixSrc = fetchGit {
# As of 2022-08-29, stacking two patches: superboum@dedup_propagate and Alexis211@fix_fetchcrategit
# As of 2022-10-14: (TODO)
url = "";
ref = "fix_fetchcrategit";
rev = "4b31c0cc05b6394916d46e9289f51263d81973b9";
ref = "custom_unstable";
rev = "15543df35485bef9e2092391ecafa78eae5fa740";
* Shared objects
cargo2nix = import cargo2nixSrc;
cargo2nixOverlay = import "${cargo2nixSrc}/overlay";
cargo2nixOverlay = cargo2nix.overlays.default;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
system ? builtins.currentSystem,
target ? null,
compiler ? "rustc",
release ? false,
git_version ? null,
features ? null,
with import ./common.nix;
@ -13,19 +14,12 @@ let
pkgs = import pkgsSrc {
inherit system;
${ if target == null then null else "crossSystem" } = { config = target; };
crossSystem = {
config = target;
overlays = [ cargo2nixOverlay ];
Rust and Nix triples are not the same. Cargo2nix has a dedicated library
to convert Nix triples to Rust ones. We need this conversion as we want to
set later options linked to our (rust) target in a generic way. Not only
the triple terminology is different, but also the "roles" are named differently.
Nix uses a build/host/target terminology where Nix's "host" maps to Cargo's "target".
rustTarget = log (pkgs.rustBuilder.rustLib.rustTriple pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform);
Cargo2nix is built for rustOverlay which installs Rust from Mozilla releases.
We want our own Rust to avoid incompatibilities, like we had with musl 1.2.0.
@ -37,7 +31,8 @@ let
In practise, rustOverlay ships rustc+cargo in a single derivation while
NixOS ships them in separate ones. We reunite them with symlinkJoin.
rustChannel = {
rustToolchain = {
rustc = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = "rust-channel";
paths = [
@ -54,29 +49,7 @@ let
clippyBuilder = pkgs.writeScriptBin "clippy" ''
. ${cargo2nixSrc + "/overlay/"}
for i in "''${!args[@]}"; do
if [ "xmetadata=" = "x''${args[$i]::9}" ]; then
elif [ "x--crate-name" = "x''${args[$i]}" ] && [ "xbuild_script_" = "x''${args[$i+1]::13}" ]; then
if [ "$isBuildScript" ]; then
touch invoke.log
echo "''${args[@]}" >>invoke.log
exec ${rustChannel}/bin/clippy-driver --deny warnings "''${args[@]}"
buildEnv = (drv: {
rustc = drv.setBuildEnv;
@ -86,7 +59,8 @@ let
export RUSTC=${clippyBuilder}/bin/clippy
export NIX_RUST_BUILD_FLAGS="''${NIX_RUST_BUILD_FLAGS} --deny warnings"
@ -97,7 +71,7 @@ let
You can have a complete list of the available options by looking at the overriden object, mkcrate:
overrides = pkgs.rustBuilder.overrides.all ++ [
packageOverrides = pkgs: pkgs.rustBuilder.overrides.all ++ [
[1] We add some logic to compile our crates with clippy, it provides us many additional lints
@ -113,12 +87,7 @@ let
As we do not want to consider the .git folder as part of the input source,
we ask the user (the CI often) to pass the value to Nix.
[4] We ship some parts of the code disabled by default by putting them behind a flag.
It speeds up the compilation (when the feature is not required) and released crates have less dependency by default (less attack surface, disk space, etc.).
But we want to ship these additional features when we release Garage.
In the end, we chose to exclude all features from debug builds while putting (all of) them in the release builds.
[5] We don't want libsodium-sys and zstd-sys to try to use pkgconfig to build against a system library.
[4] We don't want libsodium-sys and zstd-sys to try to use pkgconfig to build against a system library.
However the features to do so get activated for some reason (due to a bug in cargo2nix?),
so disable them manually here.
@ -136,10 +105,6 @@ let
/* [1] */ setBuildEnv = (buildEnv drv);
/* [2] */ hardeningDisable = [ "pie" ];
overrideArgs = old: {
/* [4] */ features = [ "bundled-libs" "sled" "metrics" "k2v" ]
++ (if release then [ "kubernetes-discovery" "telemetry-otlp" "lmdb" "sqlite" ] else []);
(pkgs.rustBuilder.rustLib.makeOverride {
@ -190,18 +155,38 @@ let
(pkgs.rustBuilder.rustLib.makeOverride {
name = "libsodium-sys";
overrideArgs = old: {
features = [ ]; /* [5] */
features = [ ]; /* [4] */
(pkgs.rustBuilder.rustLib.makeOverride {
name = "zstd-sys";
overrideArgs = old: {
features = [ ]; /* [5] */
features = [ ]; /* [4] */
We ship some parts of the code disabled by default by putting them behind a flag.
It speeds up the compilation (when the feature is not required) and released crates have less dependency by default (less attack surface, disk space, etc.).
But we want to ship these additional features when we release Garage.
In the end, we chose to exclude all features from debug builds while putting (all of) them in the release builds.
rootFeatures = if features != null then features else
] ++ (if release then [
] else []));
packageFun = import ../Cargo.nix;
@ -222,23 +207,20 @@ let
"x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" = [ "target-feature=+crt-static" "link-arg=-static-pie" ];
The following definition is not elegant as we use a low level function of Cargo2nix
that enables us to pass our custom rustChannel object. We need this low level definition
to pass Nix's Rust toolchains instead of Mozilla's one.
NixOS and Rust/Cargo triples do not match for ARM, fix it here.
rustTarget = if target == "armv6l-unknown-linux-musleabihf"
then "arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf"
else target;
target is mandatory but must be kept to null to allow cargo2nix to set it to the appropriate value
for each crate.
pkgs.rustBuilder.makePackageSet {
inherit packageFun rustChannel release codegenOpts;
packageOverrides = overrides;
target = null;
inherit release packageFun packageOverrides codegenOpts rootFeatures;
buildRustPackages = pkgs.buildPackages.rustBuilder.makePackageSet {
inherit rustChannel packageFun codegenOpts;
packageOverrides = overrides;
target = null;
#inherit rustToolchain;
rustVersion = "1.63.0";
target = rustTarget;
extraRustComponents = [ "clippy" ];

View File

@ -14,18 +14,22 @@ let
pkgsList = (target: import pkgsSrc {
inherit system;
crossSystem = { config = target; };
overlays = [ cargo2nixOverlay ];
}) platforms;
pkgsHost = import pkgsSrc {};
lib = pkgsHost.lib;
kaniko = (import ./kaniko.nix) pkgsHost;
winscp = (import ./winscp.nix) pkgsHost;
manifestTool = (import ./manifest-tool.nix) pkgsHost;
lib.flatten ( (pkgs: [
]) pkgsList) ++ [

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ sha2 = "0.10"
futures = "0.3"
futures-util = "0.3"
pin-project = "1.0"
pin-project = "1.0.11"
tokio = { version = "1.0", default-features = false, features = ["rt", "rt-multi-thread", "io-util", "net", "time", "macros", "sync", "signal", "fs"] }
tokio-stream = "0.1"

View File

@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ fn path_to_key<'a>(path: &'a str, index: &str) -> Result<Cow<'a, str>, Error> {
Some(_) => match path_utf8 {
Cow::Borrowed(pu8) => Ok((&pu8[1..]).into()),
Cow::Owned(pu8) => Ok((&pu8[1..]).to_string().into()),
Cow::Owned(pu8) => Ok(pu8[1..].to_string().into()),