corrected warnings of cargo clippy

This commit is contained in:
Mendes 2022-10-06 14:53:57 +02:00
parent 9407df60cc
commit 911eb17bd9
2 changed files with 66 additions and 71 deletions

View File

@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ pub type CostFunction = HashMap<(Vertex,Vertex), i32>;
impl<E : Edge> Graph<E>{
pub fn new(vertices : &[Vertex]) -> Self {
let mut map = HashMap::<Vertex, usize>::new();
for i in 0..vertices.len() {
map.insert(vertices[i] , i);
for (i, vert) in vertices.iter().enumerate(){
map.insert(*vert , i);
return Graph::<E> {
Graph::<E> {
vertextoid : map,
idtovertex: vertices.to_vec(),
graph : vec![Vec::< E >::new(); vertices.len() ]
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ impl Graph<FlowEdge>{
return Ok(result);
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ impl Graph<FlowEdge>{
for edge in self.graph[idv].iter() {
result += max(0,self.graph[edge.dest][edge.rev].flow);
return Ok(result);
//This function returns the value of the flow outgoing from v.
@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ impl Graph<FlowEdge>{
for edge in self.graph[idv].iter() {
result += max(0,edge.flow);
return Ok(result);
//This function computes the flow total value by computing the outgoing flow
//from the source.
pub fn get_flow_value(&mut self) -> Result<i32, String> {
return self.get_outflow(Vertex::Source);
//This function shuffles the order of the edge lists. It keeps the ids of the
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ impl Graph<FlowEdge>{
for edge in self.graph[idsource].iter(){
flow_upper_bound += edge.cap;
return flow_upper_bound;
//This function computes the maximal flow using Dinic's algorithm. It starts with
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ impl Graph<FlowEdge>{
//We build the weighted graph g where we will look for negative cycle
let mut gf = self.build_cost_graph(cost)?;
let mut cycles = gf.list_negative_cycles(path_length);
while cycles.len() > 0 {
while !cycles.is_empty() {
//we enumerate negative cycles
for c in cycles.iter(){
for i in 0..c.len(){
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ impl Graph<FlowEdge>{
gf = self.build_cost_graph(cost)?;
cycles = gf.list_negative_cycles(path_length);
return Ok(());
//Construct the weighted graph G_f from the flow and the cost function
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ impl Graph<FlowEdge>{
return Ok(g);
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ impl Graph<WeightedEdge>{
let idu = self.vertextoid[&u];
let idv = self.vertextoid[&v];
self.graph[idu].push( WeightedEdge{w: w , dest: idv} );
self.graph[idu].push( WeightedEdge{ w , dest: idv} );
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ fn cycles_of_1_forest(forest: &[Option<usize>]) -> Vec<Vec<usize>> {
return cycles;

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pub struct ClusterLayout {
fn default_partition_size() -> u32{
return 0;
fn default_layout_parameters() -> Lww<LayoutParameters>{
@ -107,15 +107,15 @@ impl NodeRole {
pub fn tags_string(&self) -> String {
let mut tags = String::new();
if self.tags.len() == 0 {
if self.tags.is_empty() {
return tags
for t in 1..self.tags.len(){
return tags;
@ -246,22 +246,22 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
_ => ()
return result;
///Given a node uuids, this function returns the label of its zone
pub fn get_node_zone(&self, uuid : &Uuid) -> Result<String,Error> {
match self.node_role(uuid) {
Some(role) => return Ok(,
_ => return Err(Error::Message("The Uuid does not correspond to a node present in the cluster.".into()))
Some(role) => Ok(,
_ => Err(Error::Message("The Uuid does not correspond to a node present in the cluster.".into()))
///Given a node uuids, this function returns its capacity or fails if it does not have any
pub fn get_node_capacity(&self, uuid : &Uuid) -> Result<u32,Error> {
match self.node_role(uuid) {
Some(NodeRole{capacity : Some(cap), zone: _, tags: _}) => return Ok(*cap),
_ => return Err(Error::Message("The Uuid does not correspond to a node present in the \
Some(NodeRole{capacity : Some(cap), zone: _, tags: _}) => Ok(*cap),
_ => Err(Error::Message("The Uuid does not correspond to a node present in the \
cluster or this node does not have a positive capacity.".into()))
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
for uuid in self.useful_nodes().iter() {
total_capacity += self.get_node_capacity(uuid)?;
return Ok(total_capacity);
@ -341,10 +341,10 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
for n in self.ring_assignation_data.iter() {
node_usage[*n as usize] += 1;
for n in 0..MAX_NODE_NUMBER {
if node_usage[n] > 0 {
for (n, usage) in node_usage.iter().enumerate(){
if *usage > 0 {
let uuid = self.node_id_vec[n];
if node_usage[n]*self.partition_size > self.get_node_capacity(&uuid)
if usage*self.partition_size > self.get_node_capacity(&uuid)
.expect("Critical Error"){
return false;
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
let mut gflow = self.compute_candidate_assignment( &zone_to_id, &old_assignation_opt)?;
if let Some(assoc) = &old_assignation_opt {
//We minimize the distance to the previous assignment.
self.minimize_rebalance_load(&mut gflow, &zone_to_id, &assoc)?;
self.minimize_rebalance_load(&mut gflow, &zone_to_id, assoc)?;
msg.append(&mut self.output_stat(&gflow, &old_assignation_opt, &zone_to_id,&id_to_zone)?);
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
//We update the layout structure
self.update_ring_from_flow(id_to_zone.len() , &gflow)?;
return Ok(msg);
/// The LwwMap of node roles might have changed. This function updates the node_id_vec
@ -456,21 +456,18 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
//Non gateway nodes should be coded on 8bits, hence they must be first in the list
//We build the new node ids
let mut new_non_gateway_nodes: Vec<Uuid> = self.roles.items().iter()
.filter(|(_, _, v)|
match &v.0 {Some(r) if r.capacity != None => true, _=> false })
.filter(|(_, _, v)| matches!(&v.0, Some(r) if r.capacity != None))
.map(|(k, _, _)| *k).collect();
if new_non_gateway_nodes.len() > MAX_NODE_NUMBER {
return Err(Error::Message(format!("There are more than {} non-gateway nodes in the new \
layout. This is not allowed.", MAX_NODE_NUMBER).into() ));
layout. This is not allowed.", MAX_NODE_NUMBER) ));
let mut new_gateway_nodes: Vec<Uuid> = self.roles.items().iter()
.filter(|(_, _, v)|
match v {NodeRoleV(Some(r)) if r.capacity == None => true, _=> false })
.filter(|(_, _, v)| matches!(v, NodeRoleV(Some(r)) if r.capacity == None))
.map(|(k, _, _)| *k).collect();
let nb_useful_nodes = new_non_gateway_nodes.len();
let mut new_node_id_vec = Vec::<Uuid>::new();
new_node_id_vec.append(&mut new_non_gateway_nodes);
new_node_id_vec.append(&mut new_gateway_nodes);
@ -484,7 +481,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
let nb_partitions = 1usize << PARTITION_BITS;
let mut old_assignation = vec![ Vec::<usize>::new() ; nb_partitions];
if self.ring_assignation_data.len() == 0 {
if self.ring_assignation_data.is_empty() {
//This is a new association
return Ok(None);
@ -498,16 +495,16 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
//We add the indices of only the new non-gateway nodes that can be used in the
//association ring
for i in 0..nb_useful_nodes {
uuid_to_new_id.insert(new_node_id_vec[i], i );
for (i, uuid) in new_node_id_vec.iter().enumerate() {
uuid_to_new_id.insert(*uuid, i );
let rf= self.replication_factor;
for p in 0..nb_partitions {
for (p, old_assign_p) in old_assignation.iter_mut().enumerate() {
for old_id in &self.ring_assignation_data[p*rf..(p+1)*rf] {
let uuid = old_node_id_vec[*old_id as usize];
if uuid_to_new_id.contains_key(&uuid) {
@ -515,7 +512,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
//We write the ring
self.ring_assignation_data = Vec::<CompactNodeType>::new();
return Ok(Some(old_assignation));
@ -530,15 +527,14 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
return Err(Error::Message("The uuid was not found in the node roles (this should \
not happen, it might be a critical error).".into()));
match self.node_role(&uuid) {
Some(r) => if !zone_to_id.contains_key(& && r.capacity != None {
zone_to_id.insert( , id_to_zone.len());
_ => ()
if let Some(r) = self.node_role(uuid) {
if !zone_to_id.contains_key(& && r.capacity != None {
zone_to_id.insert( , id_to_zone.len());
return Ok((id_to_zone, zone_to_id));
Ok((id_to_zone, zone_to_id))
///This function computes by dichotomy the largest realizable partition size, given
@ -566,7 +562,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
return Ok(s_down);
fn generate_graph_vertices(nb_zones : usize, nb_nodes : usize) -> Vec<Vertex> {
@ -581,7 +577,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
for n in 0..nb_nodes {
return vertices;
fn generate_flow_graph(&self, size: u32, zone_to_id: &HashMap<String, usize>, exclude_assoc : &HashSet<(usize,usize)>) -> Result<Graph<FlowEdge>, Error> {
@ -609,7 +605,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
return Ok(g);
@ -620,11 +616,11 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
let mut exclude_edge = HashSet::<(usize,usize)>::new();
if let Some(old_assoc) = old_assoc_opt {
let nb_nodes = self.useful_nodes().len();
for p in 0..NB_PARTITIONS {
for (p, old_assoc_p) in old_assoc.iter().enumerate() {
for n in 0..nb_nodes {
for n in old_assoc[p].iter() {
for n in old_assoc_p.iter() {
@ -638,13 +634,13 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
g.add_edge(Vertex::PZ(*p,node_zone), Vertex::N(*n), 1)?;
return Ok(g);
fn minimize_rebalance_load(&self, gflow: &mut Graph<FlowEdge>, zone_to_id: &HashMap<String, usize>, old_assoc : &Vec< Vec<usize> >) -> Result<(), Error > {
fn minimize_rebalance_load(&self, gflow: &mut Graph<FlowEdge>, zone_to_id: &HashMap<String, usize>, old_assoc : &[Vec<usize> ]) -> Result<(), Error > {
let mut cost = CostFunction::new();
for p in 0..NB_PARTITIONS {
for n in old_assoc[p].iter() {
for (p, assoc_p) in old_assoc.iter().enumerate(){
for n in assoc_p.iter() {
let node_zone = zone_to_id[&self.get_node_zone(&self.node_id_vec[*n])?];
cost.insert((Vertex::PZ(p,node_zone), Vertex::N(*n)), -1);
@ -653,7 +649,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
let path_length = 4*nb_nodes;
gflow.optimize_flow_with_cost(&cost, path_length)?;
return Ok(());
fn update_ring_from_flow(&mut self, nb_zones : usize, gflow: &Graph<FlowEdge> ) -> Result<(), Error>{
@ -662,9 +658,8 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
for z in 0..nb_zones {
let assoc_vertex = gflow.get_positive_flow_from(Vertex::PZ(p,z))?;
for vertex in assoc_vertex.iter() {
match vertex{
Vertex::N(n) => self.ring_assignation_data.push((*n).try_into().unwrap()),
_ => ()
if let Vertex::N(n) = vertex {
@ -674,7 +669,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
return Err(Error::Message("Critical Error : the association ring we produced does not \
have the right size.".into()));
return Ok(());
@ -683,7 +678,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
fn output_stat(&self , gflow : &Graph<FlowEdge>,
old_assoc_opt : &Option< Vec<Vec<usize>> >,
zone_to_id: &HashMap<String, usize>,
id_to_zone : &Vec<String>) -> Result<Message, Error>{
id_to_zone : &[String]) -> Result<Message, Error>{
let mut msg = Message::new();
let nb_partitions = 1usize << PARTITION_BITS;
@ -693,12 +688,12 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
let percent_cap = 100.0*(used_cap as f32)/(total_cap as f32);
msg.push(format!("Available capacity / Total cluster capacity: {} / {} ({:.1} %)",
used_cap , total_cap , percent_cap ));
msg.push(format!("If the percentage is to low, it might be that the \
msg.push("If the percentage is to low, it might be that the \
replication/redundancy constraints force the use of nodes/zones with small \
storage capacities. \
You might want to rebalance the storage capacities or relax the constraints. \
See the detailed statistics below and look for saturated nodes/zones."));
See the detailed statistics below and look for saturated nodes/zones.".into());
msg.push(format!("Recall that because of the replication factor, the actual available \
storage capacity is {} / {} = {}.",
used_cap , self.replication_factor ,
@ -715,7 +710,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
for p in 0..nb_partitions {
for z in 0..id_to_zone.len() {
let pz_nodes = gflow.get_positive_flow_from(Vertex::PZ(p,z))?;
if pz_nodes.len() > 0 {
if !pz_nodes.is_empty() {
stored_partitions_zone[z] += 1;
if let Some(old_assoc) = old_assoc_opt {
let mut old_zones_of_p = Vec::<usize>::new();
@ -748,14 +743,14 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
//We display the statistics
if *old_assoc_opt != None {
let total_new_partitions : usize = new_partitions.iter().sum();
msg.push(format!("A total of {} new copies of partitions need to be \
transferred.", total_new_partitions));
msg.push(format!("==== DETAILED STATISTICS BY ZONES AND NODES ===="));
msg.push("==== DETAILED STATISTICS BY ZONES AND NODES ====".into());
for z in 0..id_to_zone.len(){
let mut nodes_of_z = Vec::<usize>::new();
@ -766,7 +761,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
let replicated_partitions : usize = nodes_of_z.iter()
.map(|n| stored_partitions[*n]).sum();
msg.push(format!("Zone {}: {} distinct partitions stored ({} new, \
{} partition copies) ", id_to_zone[z], stored_partitions_zone[z],
@ -796,7 +791,7 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
return Ok(msg);