Return more info when layout's .check() fails, fix compilation, fix test
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing Details
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing Details

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2022-11-08 14:23:08 +01:00
parent 73a4ca8b15
commit d75b37b018
Signed by: lx
GPG Key ID: 0E496D15096376BE
7 changed files with 77 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ args@{
nixifiedLockHash = "9b1f88c1c5b4639605886c7135957a8fb750d938f789300ba6dae958cae460d9";
nixifiedLockHash = "a68c589851ec1990d29cdc20e8b922b27c1a6b402b682f7b0d9a9e6258f25828";
workspaceSrc = if args.workspaceSrc == null then ./. else args.workspaceSrc;
currentLockHash = builtins.hashFile "sha256" (workspaceSrc + /Cargo.lock);
lockHashIgnored = if ignoreLockHash
@ -1736,6 +1736,7 @@ in
arc_swap = (rustPackages."registry+".arc-swap."1.5.0" { inherit profileName; }).out;
async_trait = (buildRustPackages."registry+".async-trait."0.1.52" { profileName = "__noProfile"; }).out;
bytes = (rustPackages."registry+".bytes."1.2.0" { inherit profileName; }).out;
bytesize = (rustPackages."registry+".bytesize."1.1.0" { inherit profileName; }).out;
${ if rootFeatures' ? "garage/consul-discovery" || rootFeatures' ? "garage_rpc/consul-discovery" || rootFeatures' ? "garage_rpc/err-derive" then "err_derive" else null } = (buildRustPackages."registry+".err-derive."0.3.1" { profileName = "__noProfile"; }).out;
futures = (rustPackages."registry+".futures."0.3.21" { inherit profileName; }).out;
futures_util = (rustPackages."registry+".futures-util."0.3.21" { inherit profileName; }).out;

View File

@ -163,16 +163,13 @@ pub async fn handle_apply_cluster_layout(
let layout = garage.system.get_cluster_layout();
let (layout, msg) = layout.apply_staged_changes(Some(param.version))?;
//TODO : how to display msg ? Should it be in the Body Response ?
for s in msg.iter() {
println!("{}", s);
.header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain")
pub async fn handle_revert_cluster_layout(

View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
extern crate tracing;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "lmdb", feature = "sled", feature = "sqlite")))]
//compile_error!("Must activate the Cargo feature for at least one DB engine: lmdb, sled or sqlite.");
#[cfg(feature = "lmdb")]
pub mod lmdb_adapter;
#[cfg(feature = "sled")]

View File

@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ pub async fn send_layout(
pub fn print_cluster_layout(layout: &ClusterLayout) -> bool {
let mut table = vec!["ID\tTags\tZone\tCapacity\tUsable".to_string()];
let mut table = vec!["ID\tTags\tZone\tCapacity\tUsable capacity".to_string()];
for (id, _, role) in layout.roles.items().iter() {
let role = match &role.0 {
Some(r) => r,
@ -338,16 +338,26 @@ pub fn print_cluster_layout(layout: &ClusterLayout) -> bool {
let tags = role.tags.join(",");
let usage = layout.get_node_usage(id).unwrap_or(0);
let capacity = layout.get_node_capacity(id).unwrap_or(1);
"{:?}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{} ({:.1}%)",
ByteSize::b(usage as u64 * layout.partition_size).to_string_as(false),
(100.0 * usage as f32 * layout.partition_size as f32) / (capacity as f32)
let capacity = layout.get_node_capacity(id).unwrap_or(0);
if capacity > 0 {
"{:?}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{} ({:.1}%)",
ByteSize::b(usage as u64 * layout.partition_size).to_string_as(false),
(100.0 * usage as f32 * layout.partition_size as f32) / (capacity as f32)
} else {
println!("Parameters of the layout computation:");

View File

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ compile_error!("Either bundled-libs or system-libs Cargo feature must be enabled
#[cfg(all(feature = "bundled-libs", feature = "system-libs"))]
compile_error!("Only one of bundled-libs and system-libs Cargo features must be enabled");
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "lmdb", feature = "sled", feature = "sqlite")))]
compile_error!("Must activate the Cargo feature for at least one DB engine: lmdb, sled or sqlite.");
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::PathBuf;

View File

@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
self.roles.retain(|(_, _, v)| v.0.is_some());
self.parameters = self.staging_parameters.get().clone();
let msg = self.calculate_partition_assignation()?;
self.staging_hash = self.calculate_staging_hash();
let msg = self.calculate_partition_assignation()?;
self.version += 1;
Ok((self, msg))
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
self.staging_hash = self.calculate_staging_hash();
self.staging_hash = self.calculate_staging_hash();
self.version += 1;
@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
/// Check a cluster layout for internal consistency
/// (assignation, roles, parameters, partition size)
/// returns true if consistent, false if error
pub fn check(&self) -> bool {
pub fn check(&self) -> Result<(), String> {
// Check that the hash of the staging data is correct
let staging_hash = self.calculate_staging_hash();
if staging_hash != self.staging_hash {
return false;
return Err("staging_hash is incorrect".into());
// Check that node_id_vec contains the correct list of nodes
@ -329,12 +329,17 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
let mut node_id_vec = self.node_id_vec.clone();
if expected_nodes != node_id_vec {
return false;
return Err(format!("node_id_vec does not contain the correct set of nodes\nnode_id_vec: {:?}\nexpected: {:?}", node_id_vec, expected_nodes));
// Check that the assignation data has the correct length
if self.ring_assignation_data.len() != (1 << PARTITION_BITS) * self.replication_factor {
return false;
let expected_assignation_data_len = (1 << PARTITION_BITS) * self.replication_factor;
if self.ring_assignation_data.len() != expected_assignation_data_len {
return Err(format!(
"ring_assignation_data has incorrect length {} instead of {}",
// Check that the assigned nodes are correct identifiers
@ -342,12 +347,15 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
// and that role is not the role of a gateway nodes
for x in self.ring_assignation_data.iter() {
if *x as usize >= self.node_id_vec.len() {
return false;
return Err(format!(
"ring_assignation_data contains invalid node id {}",
let node = self.node_id_vec[*x as usize];
match self.roles.get(&node) {
Some(NodeRoleV(Some(x))) if x.capacity.is_some() => (),
_ => return false,
_ => return Err("ring_assignation_data contains id of a gateway node".into()),
@ -357,7 +365,7 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
let mut nodes_of_p = self.ring_assignation_data[rf * p..rf * (p + 1)].to_vec();
if nodes_of_p.iter().unique().count() != rf {
return false;
return Err(format!("partition does not contain {} unique node ids", rf));
// Check that every partition is spread over at least zone_redundancy zones.
let mut zones_of_p = nodes_of_p
@ -370,7 +378,10 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
let redundancy = self.parameters.zone_redundancy;
if zones_of_p.iter().unique().count() < redundancy {
return false;
return Err(format!(
"nodes of partition are in less than {} distinct zones",
@ -382,8 +393,14 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
for (n, usage) in node_usage.iter().enumerate() {
if *usage > 0 {
let uuid = self.node_id_vec[n];
if usage * self.partition_size > self.get_node_capacity(&uuid).unwrap() {
return false;
let partusage = usage * self.partition_size;
let nodecap = self.get_node_capacity(&uuid).unwrap();
if partusage > nodecap {
return Err(format!(
"node usage ({}) is bigger than node capacity ({})",
usage * self.partition_size,
@ -393,12 +410,17 @@ To know the correct value of the new layout version, invoke `garage layout show`
let cl2 = self.clone();
let (_, zone_to_id) = cl2.generate_nongateway_zone_ids().unwrap();
match cl2.compute_optimal_partition_size(&zone_to_id) {
Ok(s) if s != self.partition_size => return false,
Err(_) => return false,
Ok(s) if s != self.partition_size => {
return Err(format!(
"partition_size ({}) is different than optimal value ({})",
self.partition_size, s
Err(e) => return Err(format!("could not calculate optimal partition size: {}", e)),
_ => (),
@ -493,9 +515,9 @@ impl ClusterLayout {
// We update the layout structure
self.update_ring_from_flow(id_to_zone.len(), &gflow)?;
if !self.check() {
if let Err(e) = self.check() {
return Err(Error::Message(
"Critical error: The computed layout happens to be incorrect".into(),
format!("Layout check returned an error: {}\nOriginal result of computation: <<<<\n{}\n>>>>", e, msg.join("\n"))
@ -1062,9 +1084,9 @@ mod tests {
cl.staging_hash = cl.calculate_staging_hash();
.update(LayoutParameters { zone_redundancy });
cl.staging_hash = cl.calculate_staging_hash();
@ -1081,7 +1103,7 @@ mod tests {
let v = cl.version;
let (mut cl, msg) = cl.apply_staged_changes(Some(v + 1)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cl.check(), Ok(()));
assert!(matches!(check_against_naive(&cl), Ok(true)));
node_id_vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
@ -1094,7 +1116,7 @@ mod tests {
let v = cl.version;
let (mut cl, msg) = cl.apply_staged_changes(Some(v + 1)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cl.check(), Ok(()));
assert!(matches!(check_against_naive(&cl), Ok(true)));
node_capacity_vec = vec![4000, 1000, 2000, 7000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 10000, 2000];
@ -1102,7 +1124,7 @@ mod tests {
let v = cl.version;
let (mut cl, msg) = cl.apply_staged_changes(Some(v + 1)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cl.check(), Ok(()));
assert!(matches!(check_against_naive(&cl), Ok(true)));
node_capacity_vec = vec![
@ -1112,7 +1134,7 @@ mod tests {
let v = cl.version;
let (cl, msg) = cl.apply_staged_changes(Some(v + 1)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cl.check(), Ok(()));
assert!(matches!(check_against_naive(&cl), Ok(true)));

View File

@ -565,9 +565,9 @@ impl System {
let update_ring = self.update_ring.lock().await;
let mut layout: ClusterLayout = self.ring.borrow().layout.clone();
let prev_layout_check = layout.check();
let prev_layout_check = layout.check().is_ok();
if layout.merge(adv) {
if prev_layout_check && !layout.check() {
if prev_layout_check && !layout.check().is_ok() {
error!("New cluster layout is invalid, discarding.");
return Err(Error::Message(
"New cluster layout is invalid, discarding.".into(),
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ impl System {
async fn discovery_loop(self: &Arc<Self>, mut stop_signal: watch::Receiver<bool>) {
while !*stop_signal.borrow() {
let not_configured = !self.ring.borrow().layout.check();
let not_configured = !self.ring.borrow().layout.check().is_ok();
let no_peers = self.fullmesh.get_peer_list().len() < self.replication_factor;
let expected_n_nodes = self.ring.borrow().layout.num_nodes();
let bad_peers = self