OpenAPI specification of admin APIv1 #672

lx merged 15 commits from api-v1 into main 2023-11-29 15:42:47 +00:00
4 changed files with 83 additions and 23 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 8088690650 - Show all commits

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@ -37,30 +37,84 @@ import (
garage ""
func main() {
// Set Host and other parameters
// Initialization
configuration := garage.NewConfiguration()
configuration.Host = ""
// We can now generate a client
client := garage.NewAPIClient(configuration)
// Authentication is handled through the context pattern
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), garage.ContextAccessToken, "s3cr3t")
// Send a request
resp, r, err := client.NodesApi.GetNodes(ctx).Execute()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `NodesApi.GetNodes``: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// Nodes
fmt.Println("--- nodes ---")
nodes, _, _ := client.NodesApi.GetNodes(ctx).Execute()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "First hostname: %v\n", nodes.KnownNodes[0].Hostname)
capa := int64(1000000000)
change := []garage.NodeRoleChange{
garage.NodeRoleChange{NodeRoleUpdate: &garage.NodeRoleUpdate {
Id: *nodes.KnownNodes[0].Id,
Zone: "dc1",
Capacity: *garage.NewNullableInt64(&capa),
Tags: []string{ "fast", "amd64" },
staged, _, _ := client.LayoutApi.AddLayout(ctx).NodeRoleChange(change).Execute()
msg, _, _ := client.LayoutApi.ApplyLayout(ctx).LayoutVersion(*garage.NewLayoutVersion(staged.Version + 1)).Execute()
fmt.Printf(strings.Join(msg.Message, "\n")) // Layout configured
// Process the response
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Target hostname: %v\n", resp.KnownNodes[resp.Node].Hostname)
health, _, _ := client.NodesApi.GetHealth(ctx).Execute()
fmt.Printf("Status: %s, nodes: %v/%v, storage: %v/%v, partitions: %v/%v\n", health.Status, health.ConnectedNodes, health.KnownNodes, health.StorageNodesOk, health.StorageNodes, health.PartitionsAllOk, health.Partitions)
// Key
fmt.Println("\n--- key ---")
key := "openapi-key"
keyInfo, _, _ := client.KeyApi.AddKey(ctx).AddKeyRequest(garage.AddKeyRequest{Name: *garage.NewNullableString(&key) }).Execute()
defer client.KeyApi.DeleteKey(ctx).Id(*keyInfo.AccessKeyId).Execute()
fmt.Printf("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=%s\nAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=%s\n", *keyInfo.AccessKeyId, *keyInfo.SecretAccessKey.Get())
id := *keyInfo.AccessKeyId
canCreateBucket := true
updateKeyRequest := *garage.NewUpdateKeyRequest()
updateKeyRequest.SetAllow(garage.UpdateKeyRequestAllow { CreateBucket: &canCreateBucket })
update, _, _ := client.KeyApi.UpdateKey(ctx).Id(id).UpdateKeyRequest(updateKeyRequest).Execute()
fmt.Printf("Updated %v with key name %v\n", *update.AccessKeyId, *update.Name)
keyList, _, _ := client.KeyApi.ListKeys(ctx).Execute()
fmt.Printf("Keys count: %v\n", len(keyList))
// Bucket
fmt.Println("\n--- bucket ---")
global_name := "global-ns-openapi-bucket"
local_name := "local-ns-openapi-bucket"
bucketInfo, _, _ := client.BucketApi.CreateBucket(ctx).CreateBucketRequest(garage.CreateBucketRequest{
GlobalAlias: &global_name,
LocalAlias: &garage.CreateBucketRequestLocalAlias {
AccessKeyId: keyInfo.AccessKeyId,
Alias: &local_name,
defer client.BucketApi.DeleteBucket(ctx).Id(*bucketInfo.Id).Execute()
fmt.Printf("Bucket id: %s\n", *bucketInfo.Id)
updateBucketRequest := *garage.NewUpdateBucketRequest()
website := garage.NewUpdateBucketRequestWebsiteAccess()
quotas := garage.NewUpdateBucketRequestQuotas()
updatedBucket, _, _ := client.BucketApi.UpdateBucket(ctx).Id(*bucketInfo.Id).UpdateBucketRequest(updateBucketRequest).Execute()
fmt.Printf("Bucket %v website activation: %v\n", *updatedBucket.Id, *updatedBucket.WebsiteAccess)
bucketList, _, _ := client.BucketApi.ListBuckets(ctx).Execute()
fmt.Printf("Bucket count: %v\n", len(bucketList))

View file

@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ npm install --save git+
A short example:
const garage = require('garage_administration_api_v0garage_v0_8_0');
const garage = require('garage_administration_api_v1garage_v0_9_0');
const api = new garage.ApiClient("");
const api = new garage.ApiClient("");
api.authentications['bearerAuth'].accessToken = "s3cr3t";
const [node, layout, key, bucket] = [

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ from garage_admin_sdk.apis import *
from garage_admin_sdk.models import *
configuration = garage_admin_sdk.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost:3903/v0",
host = "http://localhost:3903/v1",
access_token = "s3cr3t"
@ -94,13 +94,14 @@ print(f"running garage {status.garage_version}, node_id {status.node}")
# Change layout of this node
current = layout.get_layout()
status.node: NodeClusterInfo(
id = status.node,
zone = "dc1",
capacity = 1,
capacity = 1000000000,
tags = [ "dev" ],
version = current.version + 1

View file

@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ We will bump the version numbers prefixed to each API endpoint at each time the
or semantics change, meaning that code that relies on these endpoint will break
when changes are introduced.
The Garage administration API was introduced in version 0.7.2, this document
does not apply to older versions of Garage.
- Before Garage 0.7.2 - no admin API
- Garage 0.7.2 - admin APIv0
- Garage 0.9.0 - admin APIv1, deprecate admin APIv0
## Access control
@ -131,7 +134,9 @@ $ curl -so /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:3903/check?domain=exampl
### Cluster operations
These endpoints are defined on a dedicated [Redocly page]( You can also download its [OpenAPI specification](
These endpoints have a dedicated OpenAPI spec.
- APIv1 - [HTML spec]( - [OpenAPI YAML](
- APIv0 (deprecated) - [HTML spec]( - [OpenAPI YAML](
Requesting the API from the command line can be as simple as running: