WIP: Garage v2 #948

lx wants to merge 48 commits from next-v2 into main
2 changed files with 39 additions and 54 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 5a89350b38 - Show all commits

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@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ impl Cli {
pub async fn cmd_status(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let status = self.api_request(GetClusterStatusRequest).await?;
let layout = self.api_request(GetClusterLayoutRequest).await?;
// TODO: layout history
println!("==== HEALTHY NODES ====");
let mut healthy_nodes =
for adv in status.nodes.iter().filter(|adv| adv.is_up) {
let host = adv.hostname.as_deref().unwrap_or("?");
let addr = match adv.addr {
@ -43,78 +44,43 @@ impl Cli {
capacity = capacity_string(cfg.capacity),
data_avail = data_avail,
} else if adv.draining {
"{id:.16}\t{host}\t{addr}\t\t\tdraining metadata...",
id = adv.id,
host = host,
addr = addr,
} else {
let new_role = match layout.staged_role_changes.iter().find(|x| x.id == adv.id) {
Some(_) => "pending...",
let status = match layout.staged_role_changes.iter().find(|x| x.id == adv.id) {
Some(NodeRoleChange {
action: NodeRoleChangeEnum::Update { .. },
}) => "pending...",
_ if adv.draining => "draining metadata..",
id = adv.id,
h = host,
addr = addr,
new_role = new_role,
status = status,
// Determine which nodes are unhealthy and print that to stdout
// TODO: do we need this, or can it be done in the GetClusterStatus handler?
let status_map = status
.map(|adv| (&adv.id, adv))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
let tf = timeago::Formatter::new();
let mut drain_msg = false;
let mut failed_nodes = vec!["ID\tHostname\tTags\tZone\tCapacity\tLast seen".to_string()];
let mut listed = HashSet::new();
//for ver in layout.versions.iter().rev() {
for ver in [&layout].iter() {
for cfg in ver.roles.iter() {
let node = &cfg.id;
if listed.contains(node.as_str()) {
for adv in status.nodes.iter().filter(|x| !x.is_up) {
let node = &adv.id;
let adv = status_map.get(node);
if adv.map(|x| x.is_up).unwrap_or(false) {
let host = adv.hostname.as_deref().unwrap_or("?");
let last_seen = adv
.map(|s| tf.convert(Duration::from_secs(s)))
.unwrap_or_else(|| "never seen".into());
// Node is in a layout version, is not a gateway node, and is not up:
// it is in a failed state, add proper line to the output
let (host, last_seen) = match adv {
Some(adv) => (
.map(|s| tf.convert(Duration::from_secs(s)))
.unwrap_or_else(|| "never seen".into()),
None => ("??", "never seen".into()),
let capacity = if ver.version == layout.current().version {
} else {
drain_msg = true;
"draining metadata...".to_string()
if let Some(cfg) = &adv.role {
let capacity = capacity_string(cfg.capacity);
id = node,
host = host,
tags = cfg.tags.join(","),
@ -122,6 +88,26 @@ impl Cli {
capacity = capacity,
last_seen = last_seen,
} else {
let status = match layout.staged_role_changes.iter().find(|x| x.id == adv.id) {
Some(NodeRoleChange {
action: NodeRoleChangeEnum::Update { .. },
}) => "pending...",
_ if adv.draining => {
drain_msg = true;
"draining metadata.."
_ => unreachable!(),
id = node,
host = host,
status = status,
last_seen = last_seen,

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ pub mod cluster;
pub mod key;
pub mod layout;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;