Small changes

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2020-12-07 18:07:55 +01:00
parent 32a0fbcbd9
commit 58ec2abe1a
5 changed files with 39 additions and 34 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -592,7 +592,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "kuska-handshake"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "git+"
dependencies = [

View File

@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ bytes = "0.6.0"
lru = "0.6"
sodiumoxide = { git = "", branch = "extra" }
#kuska-handshake = { path = "../handshake", features = ["default", "tokio_compat"] }
kuska-handshake = { git = "", branch = "master", features = ["default", "tokio_compat"] }
kuska-handshake = { path = "../handshake", features = ["default", "tokio_compat"] }
#kuska-handshake = { git = "", branch = "master", features = ["default", "tokio_compat"] }

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ impl ServerConn {
let read = TokioCompatExtRead::wrap(read);
let write = TokioCompatExtWrite::wrap(write);
let (box_stream_read, box_stream_write) =
let (read, write) =
BoxStream::from_handshake(read, write, handshake, 0x8000).split_read_write();
let (resp_send, resp_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ impl ServerConn {
async move {
r = conn2.recv_loop(box_stream_read) => r,
r = conn2.recv_loop(read) => r,
_ = await_exit(close_recv) => Ok(()),
async move {
r = conn3.send_loop(resp_recv, box_stream_write) => r,
r = conn3.send_loop(resp_recv, write) => r,
_ = await_exit(close_recv2) => Ok(()),
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ impl ClientConn {
let read = TokioCompatExtRead::wrap(read);
let write = TokioCompatExtWrite::wrap(write);
let (box_stream_read, box_stream_write) =
let (read, write) =
BoxStream::from_handshake(read, write, handshake, 0x8000).split_read_write();
let (query_send, query_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
@ -196,15 +196,12 @@ impl ClientConn {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let conn2 = conn.clone();
let conn3 = conn.clone();
conn2.send_loop(query_recv, box_stream_write),
async move {
tokio::try_join!(conn2.send_loop(query_recv, write), async move {
r = conn3.recv_loop(box_stream_read) => r,
r = conn3.recv_loop(read) => r,
_ = await_exit(stop_recv_loop_recv) => Ok(()),
.map(|_| ())
.log_err("ClientConn send_loop/recv_loop/dispatch_loop");

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::time::Instant;
use std::future::Future;
@ -75,10 +76,18 @@ where
let begin_time = Instant::now();
let res = match rmp_serde::decode::from_read_ref::<_, M>(&bytes[..]) {
Ok(msg) => Ok(handler(remote, msg).await),
Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()),
let end_time = Instant::now();
"Request {:08x} from {} handled in {}msec",
(end_time - begin_time).as_millis()
@ -291,8 +300,7 @@ impl NetApp {
pub(crate) fn connected_as_server(&self, id: ed25519::PublicKey, conn: Arc<ServerConn>) {
info!("Accepted connection from {}", hex::encode(id));
let mut conn_list = self.server_conns.write().unwrap();
conn_list.insert(id.clone(), conn);
self.server_conns.write().unwrap().insert(id, conn);
// Handle hello message from a client. This message is used for them to tell us
@ -319,13 +327,14 @@ impl NetApp {
if let Some(c) = conn_list.get(id) {
if Arc::ptr_eq(c, &conn) {
if let Some(h) = self.on_disconnected_handler.load().as_ref() {
h(conn.peer_pk, true);
// Called from when an outgoinc connection is successfully established.
// The connection is registered in self.client_conns, and the
@ -338,8 +347,8 @@ impl NetApp {
info!("Connection established to {}", hex::encode(id));
let mut conn_list = self.client_conns.write().unwrap();
if let Some(old_c) = conn_list.insert(id.clone(), conn.clone()) {
let old_c_opt = self.client_conns.write().unwrap().insert(id, conn.clone());
if let Some(old_c) = old_c_opt {
tokio::spawn(async move { old_c.close() });
@ -365,6 +374,7 @@ impl NetApp {
if let Some(c) = conn_list.get(id) {
if Arc::ptr_eq(c, &conn) {
if let Some(h) = self.on_disconnected_handler.load().as_ref() {
h(conn.peer_pk, false);

View File

@ -6,16 +6,12 @@ use log::trace;
use async_std::io::prelude::WriteExt;
use async_std::io::ReadExt;
use tokio::io::{ReadHalf, WriteHalf};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use crate::error::*;
use kuska_handshake::async_std::{BoxStreamRead, BoxStreamWrite, TokioCompat};
/// Priority of a request (click to read more about priorities).
/// This priority value is used to priorize messages
@ -92,11 +88,14 @@ impl SendQueue {
pub(crate) trait SendLoop: Sync {
async fn send_loop(
async fn send_loop<W>(
self: Arc<Self>,
mut msg_recv: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Option<(RequestID, RequestPriority, Vec<u8>)>>,
mut write: BoxStreamWrite<TokioCompat<WriteHalf<TcpStream>>>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
mut write: W,
) -> Result<(), Error>
W: WriteExt + Unpin + Send + Sync,
let mut sending = SendQueue::new();
let mut should_exit = false;
while !should_exit || !sending.is_empty() {
@ -167,10 +166,10 @@ pub(crate) trait RecvLoop: Sync + 'static {
// Returns true if we should stop receiving after this
async fn recv_handler(self: Arc<Self>, id: RequestID, msg: Vec<u8>);
async fn recv_loop(
self: Arc<Self>,
mut read: BoxStreamRead<TokioCompat<ReadHalf<TcpStream>>>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn recv_loop<R>(self: Arc<Self>, mut read: R) -> Result<(), Error>
R: ReadExt + Unpin + Send + Sync,
let mut receiving = HashMap::new();
loop {
trace!("recv_loop: reading packet");