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create elasticsearch passwords

in elasticsearch container

./bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto

save passwords in consul, at:

  • secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/apm_system for user apm_system
  • secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/kibana_system for user kibana_system
  • secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/elastic for user elastic

check kibana works, login to kibana with user elastic

create role and user for apm

create role apm_writer, give privileges:

  • cluster privileges manage_ilm, read_ilm, manage_ingest_pipelines
  • on index apm-* privileges create_doc, create_index, view_index_metadata
  • on index apm-*sourcemap privilege read_cross_cluster

create user apm with roles apm_writer and apm_system. give it a randomly generated password that you save in secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/apm

check apm data is ingested correctly (visible in kibana)

create role and user for grafana

create role grafana, give privileges:

  • on index apm-* privileges read and view_index_metadata

create user grafana with role grafana. give it a randomly generated password that you save in secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/grafana

check grafana works