Re-enable armv6l and i686 #136

quentin merged 2 commits from bug/rust-musl into main 2021-10-29 10:05:44 +00:00

Content of this PR:

  • Use Rust packaged by the Nix Project instead of Rustup
    • Now we compile C and Rust code with the exact same version of musl
    • We do not need rustOverlay anymore, a Nix library that fetches Rust binaries from Rustup
  • A toolchain.nix file to build our toolchain
    • The Nix project does not provide binaries for our Rust targets so we must compile them ourselves
    • Upgrading the toolchain can be done in a single command: nix-shell --run 'refresh_toolchain'
    • This is documented in the Release Process page of our documentation
    • Our CI do not push anymore to the Nix binary cache, it will save us time and reduce storage overhead
  • I have commented (pkgs.callPackage cargo2nix {}).package from shell.nix
    • It was triggering numerous mostly useless builds
    • It is useful for debug so I kept it commented
    • It was automatically pulling some dependencies that I had to declare manually as it's commented now
  • An updated Dockerfile as the command line argument has changed (not linked with the PR)

A successful release build:

Content of this PR: - Use Rust packaged by the Nix Project instead of Rustup - Now we compile C and Rust code with the exact same version of musl - We do not need `rustOverlay` anymore, a Nix library that fetches Rust binaries from Rustup - A `toolchain.nix` file to build our toolchain - The Nix project does not provide binaries for our Rust targets so we must compile them ourselves - Upgrading the toolchain can be done in a single command: `nix-shell --run 'refresh_toolchain'` - This is documented in the Release Process page of our documentation - Our CI do not push anymore to the Nix binary cache, it will save us time and reduce storage overhead - I have commented `(pkgs.callPackage cargo2nix {}).package` from `shell.nix` - It was triggering numerous mostly useless builds - It is useful for debug so I kept it commented - It was automatically pulling some dependencies that I had to declare manually as it's commented now - An updated `Dockerfile` as the command line argument has changed (not linked with the PR) A successful release build:
quentin force-pushed bug/rust-musl from b53a300305 to 93f8d59e4c 2021-10-29 09:34:09 +00:00 Compare
lx approved these changes 2021-10-29 10:04:46 +00:00
lx left a comment


quentin merged commit 93f8d59e4c into main 2021-10-29 10:05:44 +00:00
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