nearly done with Question vives!
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 513 additions and 32 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,203 @@
title = {Le {{Macroscope}}. {{Vers}} Une Vision Globale},
author = {{de Rosnay}, Jo{\"e}l},
year = {1975},
month = may,
edition = {Le Seuil}
title = {{\`A} Bout de Flux},
author = {Lopez, Fanny},
year = {2022},
month = sep,
edition = {Divergences}
title = {Decision-Making under Environmental Complexity: The Need for Moving from Avoided Impacts of {{ICT}} Solutions to Systems Thinking Approaches},
author = {Ekchajzer, David and Bornes, Laetitia and Combaz, Jacques and Letondal, Catherine and Vingerhoeds, Rob},
year = {2024},
journal = {ICT4S},
langid = {english}
title = {{Enqu{\^e}te : {\`a} Marseille comme ailleurs, l'accaparement du territoire par les infrastructures du num{\'e}rique}},
shorttitle = {{Enqu{\^e}te}},
author = {{La Quadrature}},
year = {2024},
month = nov,
journal = {La Quadrature du Net},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-11-21},
chapter = {R{\'e}seaux t{\'e}l{\'e}coms},
langid = {french}
type = {{Rapport d'{\'e}tude}},
title = {{Controverses mini{\`e}res -- Pour en finir avec certaines contrev{\'e}rit{\'e}s sur la mine et les fili{\`e}res min{\'e}rales -- Mine secondaire et recyclage}},
shorttitle = {{Mine secondaire et recyclage}},
author = {{SystExt}},
year = {2024},
month = apr,
number = {Volet 2 -- Tome 3},
address = {Paris, France},
institution = {Association SystExt},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-06-18},
copyright = {CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0},
langid = {french}
title = {Data {{Center Water Usage}}: {{A Comprehensive Guide}}},
shorttitle = {Data {{Center Water Usage}}},
author = {Zhang, Mary},
year = {2024},
month = jan,
journal = {Dgtl Infra},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-11-20},
langid = {american},
keywords = {datacenter,eau,ecologie,usage,water}
type = {Documentary},
title = {Welcome to {{Sodom}}},
author = {Kr{\"o}nes, Christian and Weigensamer, Florian},
year = {2018},
month = nov,
publisher = {Blackbox Film, Greenpeace, Land Steiermark, department 9 - Culture, Europe, Ext. Relations},
collaborator = {Schrotthofer, Roland and Weigensamer, Florian and Abubakar, Mohammed and Mohammed, Awal and Yefter, Kwasi},
keywords = {agbogbloshie,documentary,e-waste,ghana,recycling,waste},
annotation = {IMDb ID: tt8116550\\
event-location: Austria}
title = {Energy Transition Minerals and Their Intersection with Land-Connected Peoples},
author = {Owen, John R. and Kemp, Deanna and Lechner, Alex M. and Harris, Jill and Zhang, Ruilian and L{\`e}bre, {\'E}l{\'e}onore},
year = {2022},
month = dec,
journal = {Nature Sustainability},
volume = {6},
number = {2},
pages = {203--211},
issn = {2398-9629},
doi = {10.1038/s41893-022-00994-6},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-05-29},
langid = {english},
keywords = {critical minerals,energy,energy transitions,favori,social}
type = {{Rapport d'{\'e}tude}},
title = {{Controverses mini{\`e}res -- Pour en finir avec certaines contrev{\'e}rit{\'e}s sur la mine et les fili{\`e}res min{\'e}rales}},
author = {{SystExt}},
year = {2021},
month = nov,
number = {Volet 1},
address = {Paris, France},
institution = {Association SystExt},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-06-18},
copyright = {CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0},
langid = {french}
title = {Cahiers de Prison},
author = {Gramsci, Antonio},
year = {1948},
address = {Turin}
title = {New {{Hybrid Immersion Liquid Cooling}} Developments at {{OVHcloud}}},
author = {Chehade, Ali and Hnayno, Mohamad and Jay, Julien and Jay, Mohamad Hnayno {and} Julien, Ali Chehade},
year = {2022},
month = oct,
journal = {OVHcloud Blog},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-09-29},
langid = {british},
keywords = {cooling,immersion cooling,ovh,refroidissement,water cooling}
title = {{Cloud computing, HPC et infrastructure IT bas carbone}},
author = {{Qarnot}},
year = {2024},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-11-20},
langid = {french}
title = {Untangling the {{Critical Minerals Knot}}: When {{ICT}} Hits the {{Energy Transitions}}},
shorttitle = {Untangling the {{Critical Minerals Knot}}},
author = {Cerf, Sophie and {Luxey-Bitri}, Adrien and Quinton, Cl{\'e}ment and Rouvoy, Romain and Simon, Thibault and Truffert, Catherine},
year = {2023},
month = dec,
url = {},
urldate = {2024-10-07},
langid = {english},
keywords = {co-product,conflict,digital,energy,ict,metals,minerals,mining,transitions}
title = {Des M{\'e}taux Dans Mon Smartphone},
author = {{SystExt}},
year = {2017},
month = apr,
url = {},
urldate = {2024-10-07},
keywords = {animation,co-product,metals,minerals,mining,smartphone,systext}
title = {Intel Shares Biggest Unboxing Video Ever as {{ASML}}'s \$380 Million {{High-NA}} Lithography Machine Is Installed in {{Oregon}} Fab},
author = {Shilov, Anton},
year = {2024},
month = mar,
journal = {Tom's Hardware},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-10-07},
langid = {english},
keywords = {asml,euv,high-na,intel,lithography}
title = {Manufacturing Electronic Components},
author = {Roussilhe, Gauthier},
year = {2023},
month = mar,
url = {},
urldate = {2024-11-15},
langid = {english},
keywords = {asml,manufacture,microcontrollers,tsmc},
annotation = {Poster}
title = {Fairphone 4 {{Supply Chain}}},
author = {{Open Sourcemap}},
year = {2021},
journal = {Open Sourcemap - Development Environment},
url = {},
urldate = {2024-10-07},
langid = {english},
keywords = {fairphone,manufacture,map,supply chain}
title = {Audition "{{Souverainet{\'e}}} et Ind{\'e}pendance {\'E}nerg{\'e}tique de La {{France}}"},
author = {Br{\'e}chet, Yves},
year = {2022},
month = nov,
url = {},
urldate = {2024-11-20}
title = {Charte Du Collectif {{CHATONS}}},
author = {{CHATONS}},
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\title{Les grandes questions d'un hébergeur numérique communautaire et convivial}
\author{Adrien Luxey-Bitri}
\author{Adrien Luxey-Bitri\\
{\small \url{}}}
\institute{Deuxfleurs -- CHATONS -- Univ Lille -- Inria -- ÉcoInfo\\[4ex]
@ -14,19 +15,27 @@
\date{21 novembre 2024\\[2ex]
\textit{\scriptsize CNRS CIS -- Politiques environnementales du numérique}}
% Profondeur de la table des matières
% \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}
% Begin at section 0
%%%%%%%%% title frame %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% TOC %%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering]{Au menu}
%%%%%%%%% section %%%%%%%%%
\section{Qui je suis}
@ -140,14 +149,14 @@
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\section{L'hébergement numérique militant}
\section{Planète militance numérique}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}[t]{Un brin d'actualité}
\framesubtitle{Tiré de Freedom Not Fear 2024~\cite{freedomnotfearWhatsGoingYour2024}}
\begin{frame}[t]{Les lignes de front}
\framesubtitle{Gramsci~\cite{gramsciCahiersPrison1948} \& FNF~2024~\cite{freedomnotfearWhatsGoingYour2024}}
@ -155,7 +164,7 @@
\item 8 décembre (FR)~\cite{laquadratureOutilsChiffrementLors2023}
\item 8 décembre~\cite{laquadratureOutilsChiffrementLors2023} (FR)
\item Vidéo-surv. algo.~\cite{laquadratureVSASurveillanceBatit2024} (FR)
\item Données de santé (NL)
\item Extrad. migrants (AL)
@ -182,7 +191,7 @@
\item Un Front populaire (FR)
% \pause
@ -308,20 +317,20 @@
\textbf{La complexité est bien là}
\textbf{Logiciels internes faits main}
\textbf{Qualité de service \textit{cloud} ?}
% \vspace{2ex}
% \raggedright
% \textbf{Qualité de service \textit{cloud} ?}
@ -348,7 +357,7 @@
\textbf{C}ollectif des \textbf{H}ébergeurs \textbf{A}lternatifs, \textbf{T}ransparents \textbf{O}uverts, \textbf{N}eutres \& \textbf{S}olidaires
\textbf{C}ollectif des \textbf{H}ébergeurs \textbf{A}lternatifs, \textbf{T}ransparents, \textbf{O}uverts, \textbf{N}eutres \& \textbf{S}olidaires
@ -391,30 +400,288 @@
%%%%%%%%% section %%%%%%%%%
\section{Questions vives}
%%%%%%%%% subsection %%%%%%%%%
\subsection{Comprendre l'interaction numérique $\leftrightarrow$ environnement}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{Comprendre l'interaction numérique $\leftrightarrow$ environnement}
Instruire scientifiquement les dossiers politiques.
--- Yves Bréchet~\cite{brechetAuditionSouveraineteIndependance2022}
\item Décortiquer le système productif numérique
\item Quantifier ses externalités
\item Améliorer le recyclage
\item Modéliser les effets dynamiques
%%%%%%%%% subsubsection %%%%%%%%%
\subsubsection{Décortiquer le système productif numérique}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
% \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{figures/asml-high-na-euv_lithography.png}
ASML (NL) 3nm litho.
\textbf{380\,M€} la bécane !
%%%%%%%%% subsubsection %%%%%%%%%
\subsubsection{Quantifier ses externalités}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\framesubtitle{Conflit d'usage électrique~\cite{lopezBoutFlux2022,laquadratureEnqueteMarseilleComme2024}}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\framesubtitle{Les minéraux}
% %%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}[t]{\insertsubsubsectionhead~\cite{cerfUntanglingCriticalMinerals2023}}
% \framesubtitle{Les minéraux (bis)}
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{figures/elements-criticality.pdf}
% \vfill
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Sur-sollicitation de la table des éléments
% \item Minéraux nécessaire à la «~transition énergétique~»
% \end{itemize}
% \end{frame}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\framesubtitle{L'eau à l'usage}
\textbf{La clim c'est nul}
Majorité des acteurs
1 \textit{hyperscale} = 1 piscine~olympique/j.~\cite{zhangDataCenterWater2024}
\textbf{Le \textit{liquid cooling}...}
Merci OVHCloud~\cite{chehadeNewHybridImmersion2022}
\textbf{Réseaux de chaleur !}
La chaleur comme \textit{ressource}
Merci Qarnot~\cite{qarnotCloudComputingHPC2024}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{Sobriété des usages}
\framesubtitle{Et le reste ?}
\item Pollution minière $\rightarrow$ SystExt~\cite{systextControversesMinieresPour2021}
\item Impacts sociaux extraction/prod $\rightarrow$ Owen et al.~\cite{owenEnergyTransitionMinerals2022} et ... vous ?
\item Impacts sociaux usage (dépression, ségrégation...) $\rightarrow$
%%%%%%%%% subsubsection %%%%%%%%%
\subsubsection{Améliorer le recyclage}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\textbf{Recyclage industriel~\cite{systextControversesMinieresPour2024}}
17\;\% D3E \textbf{collectés}
\textbf{Pré-traitement} \\
Flux matériel en évolution permanente
\textbf{Traitement} \\
Faible qté, peu métaux rentables
\textbf{The artisanal way~\cite{kronesWelcomeSodom2018}}
% {\footnotesize Welcome to Sodom, Documentary, 2024}
Agbogbloshie, Accra, Ghana (jusqu'à 2021)
\item Drame humain
\item Artisanat méticuleux
\item Marché noir, pas documenté
%%%%%%%%% subsubsection %%%%%%%%%
\subsubsection{Modéliser les effets dynamiques}
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%% frame %%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{Géstion collégiale \& bénévole}
\framesubtitle{d'une infrastructure complexe}
\framesubtitle{Nouvelles méthodes~\cite{ekchajzerDecisionmakingEnvironmentalComplexity2024}}
Soutenance de L. Bornes le 12 déc. à 14h !
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\subsection{Sobriété des usages}
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\subsection{Gestion collégiale de la complexité}
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% \framesubtitle{d'une infrastructure complexe}
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\begin{frame}{C'est fini.}
\framesubtitle{Discutons, maintenant.}
Les slides sont sur \url{} :
\Huge Merci de votre attention !
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